I Met My Mom..

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2 years ago


We have two types of dreams. One we have with open eyes like desire to have , wish to achieve and second one is dreams while sleeping. Dreams in sleeping are not in our control. Almost every individual has this capability to witness the dreams. It can be horrible , terrified, scaring but also we can meet our beloved ones who are far away , lost or passed away.

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I met my Mom.

I was in high school when my Mom passed away. She got heart failure and couldn't survive. I was so young that time. I miss my Mom too much till today . I sleep last night around 11 pm and it becomes one of the best night for me. Actually my Mom comes to my dream very rarely. May my once or twice a year only especially when I miss her badly. I don't know what time it was when my dream starts but it was so beautiful due to presence of my Mom.

We were in family function like wedding. Lot of people looking so beautiful as we get ready for these functions. I , my brother and cousins were in white suits. My Mom was sitting on a big sofa along with Grandma. She was looking so pretty in lite blue suit with white shawl. They were talking each other , laughing , smiles and wishing.

I was so happy by looking her in happy mood and smiling face. Unfortunately I didn't talk to her anything . She looked at me , wave her hands , smiles and again starts conversation with Grandma. Other hands cousins were forcing me to go with them out to groom side where other people were getting ready.

I went out with them but later came back but I couldn't see her any more . I asked one of my nephew about mom , he said " she went back " I shocked where she can go . In this shock my dream shattered and I opened my eyes . The room was dark , I check the time on mobile , it was 3.30 am.

My poetry about dream.


"Last night she came as princesses! Her name still trembling on my lips.

The night was guilty but Went saved. Day stood in the line of witnesses.

Intentions of the winds were not good. How could I did the lamp keep burn?

I could not say any word to her. She too remains in cover of silence!!

Angeles carrying her on their wings. she kept asking for the right to live.

She went again to paradise ! I am still watching her way ."

Here me dream comes over but the sweet memories are still very fresh in mind . I am flying with joy that after long time I met my Mom.

Are you @Lhes @Itsfarah @Usmanshoaib @Rajpoot-Bhatti. @BCH_LOVER @Officialrosh1 experience such thing in you life that you met him/her in your dream. If yes how exciting you feel .


Thank you so much for your kind time .

Here are my recent articles.

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2 years ago


Yeah very nice article..mom is the unique personality in our life

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mother's memory is so pure. I would love to see my mother in my dreams. She passed away in 2014. She was a teacher, but she couldn't get much time to teach me due to household chores after school hours. Whenever she could manage some time, she would tell me stories and play with me.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

No any alternative of mother . Sad to know about your Mom. May Almighty God bless her soul rest in peace!! Sweet memories of mothers will live alive in our hearts.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Sometimes, on rare occasions, a few biological mothers misbehave with their children. I have witnessed hand-countable friends don't get the love they should get from their biological parents. On the other hand, a nonbiological parent might also give endless love and care to their adopted children. I will write separate stories in the future.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I never get the chance to know my real mother the identity of me, i also written it here. And whenever your sad I know you're mom is always in your heart

$ 0.02
2 years ago

So sad ! Whenever I feel depressed , I go to her grave , talk to her and feel immense peace.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm not that sad, because I have my kids. What my real mom didn't did to me I did it all for my own family so I wasn't longing for her that much but I thank her for the gift of life

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Since my mom died when I was a little one, i haven't dream of her. I only saw her face in pictures. How i wish I would dream of her too. I want to feel her even just in my dreams🥺

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Pray for her oftenly , do some charity by her name , do good deed with idea that my mom will be happy by this . Hope she will touch you in dream.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for this advice mate. I will do it!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Firsr, I am sorry to hear about your mother's death, while you were in high-school, I can understand how difficult it would be without your mom. But I am glad last night she met in your dream. I also had a dream in which I met with my beloved aunt who left us two years ago. She was closed to me, so I was overjoyed but sad at the same time after waking up from dream.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

May Almighty Allah bless her soul rest in peace with high rank. We can't forget our beloved ones .

$ 0.00
2 years ago

So sorry to hear about her death, I believe when we miss people that left us we do see them in our dreams, its very rare to see them though.. I have once dreamt of seeing my two kid sister ( twins ) who passed away about 12years ago... I know its a long time but they will forever be in our heart

$ 0.02
2 years ago

One more thing I will add that dreams are not under our desire . I believe it also from Almighty God who shows us miracles in different shapes.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yeah sir i meet my father recently died 2019 i love my father I have spent a lot of time with my father. I could not spend much time with my mother because I was very young at that time. When my mother left me.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yes, I experienced dreaming of someone I dearly loved and one of them was my bestfriend who died way back 2015. Everytime I dreamed of him, he was happy and always telling me his okay. So that's my cue of accepting that he is really gone and after almost 6 yrs I decided to visit his grave last year

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It is hard to forget them but dust of passing time keep them little invisible to us .

$ 0.00
2 years ago