Hyper focus - A key to success.

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2 years ago


Focus is a capability in which a person thinks, consider and plans with keen to do a thing perfectly. More focus means less time consuming to reach at pin point. But if we are in publishing intention, we can't do any thing. Shattered, uneven and inference destroyed the focus and will consume time more for a certain thing.

The history of human is rich in struggle from dressless , hunting life till today's civilised one. The things were precious like gold , silver and pearls but time change and other things are more prestigious now like Crypto, attention and hyper focus.

If we can gain attentional space which is to focus at one object in one time. It relates to RAM in computer, bigger ram means more data processing in single minute. Exactly attentional space cabability as much strengthed , more powerful human will be. And good sleep is key in this matter which can increase attentional space by 60% more.

Vital in hyper focus.

The major role in generates hyper focus is initiatives from our side. One useful work at a time is best policy. Switch off unfruitful objects before start of work like Facebook, tweeter or phones. Make a fixed time plan to do work.

Control on scattered things which can interface and do harmful to your thoughts. Think about yourself that how you can improve the quality of your work. When you are in a dialog, put your mobile on aeroplane mode so the disturbance chances minimised. Keep your mind fresh and away from unproductive things like checking mobile time to time for notifications and chats which grip our mentality and not get the enough space for creative thinking. Choose only productivity in work because we have four types of work usually like,

  • Important things but we did without interest.

  • Unnecessary things which are not important not interested.

  • Scattered things which are interested but useless like Facebook.

  • Useful & productive things which requires our energy, focus. These are may be not interested but important ones.

The last one is our aim to do with full swing & focus and intention which can lead us to the heights of success, glory , honour and dignity. We must perform this sector with devotion, dedication and commitment.


The hyper focus is great blessing. We are living in scattered world so those who keep focus on their aim, succeeded. Develop the habit of focus and reduce the priorities. Spare some time for yourself only. Stamulate the inner energy which will help you in boring times.

Thanks for reading my thoughts for personal growth and focus. Like , upvote and I will be pleased if you leave a comment for feedback.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago


The hyper focus is really a great mind. If I had focused on some if my past goals as I have already planned them, there was no how I would lose it if I was hyper focused. So much distraction is a big burden. I personally have missed some things in my past. Now I have seen this and I am giving myself a second chance

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I am a person that gets distracted easily, and it is really affecting me. I hope, I can learn the act of focusing and planning.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

To achieve success in any work, it is important to focus on that work. If you don't focus deeply on something, you will lose focus on doing the job properly.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Before I read the article itself, the topic has already given an hint about the article, if we are completely focus, trust me, nothing gonna hinder us from succeeding

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Being focused automatically pour our mind with additional information and ideas giving us more edge to excel in whatever we are doing.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

People who don't focus on their goals face failure. If we want to be successful in our life, we have to focus on the thing that interests us and work on it with full dedication. We will get success in our life.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Focus on those things that can be useful for us and proceed directly on your goal without taking by any chance to failure, do things with high integrity and value its worth to commit success

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Having an aim in our life is first most important thing, and second important thing is focusing on our aims and objectives to achieve these goals. And you have used the term hyper focus, i really appreciate it. And getting rid of nervous habits while working on a specific objective is difficult to do but it is necessary. I noticed that hyper focus trait is enabled properly in the time when you have an exam tomorrow, your mind focuses on a specific thing and ignores all other un necessary things. ❤️

$ 0.03
2 years ago

We should focus on our target. Being Muslim you know why Archery is important for us? Because we know how to focus on our target. I agreed to your points in work or competition, we should be able to focus on our target.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Being focus requires a lot of dedication like you rightly mentioned. Most times, we abide and other times, we don't . which explains the fact, focus can not strive with inconsistency. Am happy this article can at the right time. Am really struggling to focus lately, I will try the principles you mentioned.

$ 0.03
2 years ago