Fasting- A quick solution to boost metabolism.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
2 years ago

February 4,2022

Metabolic system in any human body is key to live a healthy life. Disorders in this system can cause serious sickness either too much or less source in protein and other minerals which are essential for our body.

There is many ways , remedies and food supplements to increase our metabolic system but Fasting is best , cost free and perfect thing in cure of metabolism.

Fasting means " skip meal for certain time" . Usually it took time from breakfast to dinner . Avoid eating , drinking , smoking everything in this period. It should never less then 8 Hours. When our body went thirsty and Hungary , the friction of galucose starts broken the mild parts into energy. We can practice it by alternative days . Fasts one day and skip other day and rotate it for a week .

In holy month Ramadan for Muslims and I am witness that non Muslims also had a great respect for his month and respect the faith of Muslims. It has a great importance in our religious faith . The main part of the month is Fasting.

I will talk today about the benefits of fasting. It has huge pleasant spiritual , mental and physical benefits to us.


Control, We learn to control our desires and wishes as we have everything in reach , no body watching but still we didn't eat it drink any thing.

Closer to God. Another benefit is we comes closer to God . We worship more , we feel fear of God which makes us stronger , Freer and happier person.

Humbleness. Fasting makes us humble . We feel thirst and Hunger which makes us enable to feel the same conditions of poor family.


Our mental health based on energy which liver provide in shape of ketones. Fasting boosts the ketone level which helps our brain to be active

In fasting we live hours without food . So during these hours our body use stored glucose for energy and burn the extra fats. This process stimulate the mental health.

Fasting helps to improve the brain functions and its structure. It helps to prevent Neuro disorders. It is effective also in Alzheimer and Parkinson control.


Fasting is natural , harmless and easy way to reduce the weight. As we live almost 14-16 hours without food . The stored calories burn to generate the glucose to feed the cells of the body.

Fasting helps blood pressure to be in good level , Reduce the extra suger level in blood. It improve the blood fats which strengthen the cardiac system.

Fasting helps body cellular cleansing . It purified the blood from debris and harmful chemicals and meterials.


Fasting helps our metabolic system to be balanced. It improves the insulin effectiveness and increase the resistance also regulate the body cells and protein level.

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2 years ago


Yes, in islam fasting is a part of our religion. Now a days people are doing Fasting in form of their diets.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I never knew that fasting can help boost metabolism, that maybe the reason why some are doing intermittent diet to lose weight.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I'm doing fasting, some months already... 17-18 hours more less and I feel very good, it was not as difficult as I thought, on the contrary, it has been easier than expected and my health globally will be better, I agree with all the benefits you wrote here.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It is somehow what they called intermittent fasting? I know some people doing this and they really lose weight.

$ 0.02
2 years ago