Build your "Why" .

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1 year ago


Human born with specific characteristics and skills which can be polished, sharped and enhanced by different methods. All are unique and no one can replace any other with exact figure. Knowing own worth and capabilities is much important factor then doing a thing in wrong way by wrong approach.

We should decide what to do , when to do and why to do? Here the factor why is most important which gives us true worth of our time , discipline in work flow and answer of our failure. Once we able to analyze the things in term of "why" then we learn to do the right things.

What I am doing is not big question to our self. Why I am doing is bigger. When we start to build the "why" in our routine, our vision start going higher. Now that why will motivate you to do better then doing now. "Why " generates creativity in human and gives boost to ask the question which is first step in learning.

Millions of people were watched that fruits falls down on earth after broken from branches but only Newton produce "why" in his mind and thinks about it. Then untill now we remember him because of his "laws of gravity' which was the answer of his "why".

"Why" force us to think and evolute the things by a different angle. Such thinking grow us in strong willpower which ends up on he path of success.

Always ask yourself that why I am doing this , identification of the purpose of doing things is half solution of your problems because you will know where your energies going and why going.

Learn to ask questions from yourself, from others and from silence. Yes you can ask questions from silence too and the answer of silence will come from your own soul. Ask always from yourself about any thing. Why I am doing it or why I am going to do it .

The ability of "why" gives us self approval. Why I am doing and should I do it means you are asking from yourself about certain things. Self approved things mostly gives motivation and inspiration which are compulsory for the successful career.


The polishing of skill about "why" will guarantee you to use the time on right side and proper commitment. The why gives inner peace , satisfaction and loyalty to the work. When we start loving our work then believe me work also started to love you.

Thanks for reading my thoughts and opinions about "why". Hope you enjoy it , like upvote and comment for feedback.

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Avatar for Amjad_Ali_Waince
1 year ago


Thank you, sir. all the best, hope you'll always be blessed.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Every why when what matters in our life and these all whys makes a curious person thinking wondering imaginations all these things happen with the only latter why? So as a human if we want to learn or get knowledge always try to find the answers of why whys will help us in getting more knowledge! And when we know the answer of why we do things more effectively

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Yes true my friend. We should trust our capabilities. We should have a believe on it. We should love our work, the things we had because time goes by work can love us too.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

The quest for "why" is the beginning of knowledge. In our daily life, we must know and what prompts this knowing is the question "why". We can't live without it.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

I have also many whys in my mind thinking about the reasons on things happened in my life. because we have this feeling of doubt that commonly appears in every situation that we need to interact and finding a good outcome.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

While reading your article I was thinking of WHY.... At the almost end before Conclusion I asked WHY have I been reading? To be honest, it really works... Got my answer... To get to the exact meaning point of your life. Why, has a very deep sea inside it ... Thanks alot

$ 0.03
1 year ago

Similarly once my teacher said once you start that why this happened??? Why you did this?? Why you're doing this??? Than at that day you'll start to think about things with curiosity.

With our every single why our interst also increase

$ 0.02
1 year ago

In our search to find an answer to why, we can open to so many other opportunities.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

We tend to forget the purpose of doing things because we get caught up with life and what life brings. When things seem tough, remember your whys.

$ 0.03
1 year ago

No doubt "Why" motivates us to do something creative. Anything that inspired us always welcome from me.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Agreed with your words when we question ourselves that why are we doing something that give us reason to put our efforts more effectively on right place. It keeps us on track and also become our motivation.

$ 0.02
1 year ago