6 Questions of buddy!!

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I was with conversation of my buddy who is university student and doing MS English literature. He contacted me for his quiz where possibly they can be asked such questions which relates to their personal life , attitude and past.

Mostly students don't want to share their life incident , personal information and thoughts. Which is quite realistic approach because after some weaknesses comes publicly , they may face bullying from other students. But I advised him that don't hide anything. If question comes too personal then only skip otherwise say what you feel , what you are , what you like .

He was working on a long list of questions but I took only 6 to share with you . Here are my answers to it ,

Flash back your childhood memory!

I was not a tall boy in childhood and when I passed my fifth grade from my village school , I got admission in middle school 2km far away in another village. So Dad decided to buy a bicycle for me. They took me to shop but unfortunately no cycle was according to my height. ( Those days in 1990 no tiny cycle was Available). At last we bought a 21" eagle cycle , took it to a technical person who modified ( cut down from sitting chair and handle side ) it according to size of my legs . Then only I able to ride on it and I fell down may 50 times from cycle on first drive. Hahaha

Do you feel that you deserving of love?

Well , if we look at human natural phenomena , it born on love standeredes. We can't hate any one. I am personally a polite loving , caring and cooperative person. I didn't remember that anyone from my relatives , friends are angry to me. If I comes to know that someone is Angry to me , I reach to him in first opportunity and beg forgivenessfrom him even I didn't mistaken. So I am sure about me that I am a deserving love person because I can respond in unconditional care and unlimited love.

What is most lofty thing you are dealing now ?

The challenging thing which I am dealing now a days is Crypto trade on Binance. Learning it's micro principles , laws , signs , abbreviations and acronyms. It is never easy for a new comer but I accept it as challenge and mostly successful. Participating new launch quizzes , reading different articles , white paper and block chain technology.

What do you think about your worst habit?

We learn from our experience and habits also can be modified , changed after the panic hurdles. I can't see any body crying , means I trusted quickly on every one. This habit gave me lot of times lose but still I couldn't fire it fully. I am trying to comes up from it but may be it will took further time.

Do you think that good thing comes after suffering?

It is not a condition for any good thing that must comes after suffering but yes mostly it comes as rewards after hardwork of tireless days and sleepless nights. No short cuts for success so I believe that prosperity , fame , wealth and achievement is possible equally for every one who suffer in hard work.

What you want to do before death.

This object is variable to everyone. I want to literate people for Thier financial independence by maximum number before my death. So my planning is to share my experience with other boys of my village / town in awareness about digital world and Bitcoin cash to motivate them for step ahead in modern civilization with successful tools in hand.


I will be pleased If you @Lhes @Itsfarah @Roojoroojay @Niazi420 @ShameemS @Shohana @saifb @Pachuchay @Sajib also write the answer of these questions. Here is screen shot of these questions.

Screenshot from notebook of buddy

Thanks for reading the answers . Like , upvote and leave a comment for feedback.

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Interesting prompt questions dear. I wanna answer it too. I have so much memories in my childhood that I wanna share too. Hehe

$ 0.03
2 years ago

I like the last part. It speaks a lot about you and how much you want others to learn from you.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thanks for mentioning me there, I try to attempt this prompt once my exams ended✨

$ 0.03
2 years ago

For the second question, I guess my answer is that everyone/everybody is deserving to be love and to give love regardless of our flaws and imperfections.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Hahha I will try, later to write mine

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Too many questions, prefer to reply two of them. I think yes after suffering good things come to us. And before death I wish for mercy and also want to confirm heaven for me from Almighty Allah.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

My invitation was write an article by using these questions.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

okay I will look try for it, thanks bro for such kind invitation.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also don't believe good things come after suffering because sometimes bad things are written on our fate and also good So it depends on fate, not on the suffering

$ 0.03
2 years ago

No doubt at all the fate works but where is our part to do. We should do it honestly.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You grew up as a child and your daddy took you away I also obeyed my father and took a bicycle in 8th class and I went five kilometers I used to travel to school and after that I cycled from 8th class to 12th class and in 12th class I I also cycled to college and I felt like all the other kids came to me on a motorbike and I cycled to school alone.I also thought that my father had given me a bicycle according to his courage. He gave me a bicycle according to his status and when Our status will be to get a motorcycle. They will also give me a motorcycle

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Time never remains the same . I am sure Almighty Allah will bless you more and enough.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nice meeting you my friend taking about flash memories of my childhood the one I couldn't forget is the memories between me and my mom. I don't like really like to eat as much as possible at home then so my mom lied to me about about a food named pakistan totories she said she bought the yam from Pakistan unknowingly to be the yam was bought from our local market .I have been eating the yam , which was fried yam until my mom told me about it. Nice meeting you looking ahead of reading your article

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Can you take these questions in your blog and write the answer of you in article.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sure sir I guessed that will be my blog for today πŸ”₯πŸ‘πŸ»

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I want to do it before my death, I want to become happy and ask for forgiveness from our Almighty God.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thank you for the mention dear. I will gladly share my answers later. This will save me for today.

$ 0.03
2 years ago
  1. so hard childhood memory
  2. yes
  3. worst habit is gambling
  4. if you suffer no , but with positive mindset
  5. make my loved one happy
$ 0.03
2 years ago

Is it possible to you that write a post by answering these questions in your blog.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Your childhood memory was the most funniest and delightful one. I enjoyed reading your answers, and will definitely go to answers these questions tomorrow, because I was already short out of topics.

$ 0.03
2 years ago

Thank you for appreciation , yes sometimes we went blank in topics.

$ 0.00
2 years ago