There and here, before and now

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Avatar for AmazingWorld
2 years ago

Published on: September 08, 2021

I've noticed, It's been 3 months since I've made it here. I wrote more than 50 nonsensical articles, accumulated more than a hundred dollars or say 0.23+BCH! Meet new people and knew their stories, daily events, their achievements every end of the month, the profit they've get thru embracing the risk and later on harvesting the fruits of their risk taken. I've known kind people as well, their act of kindness, volunteerism and humbleness as well. I've managed to stay here longer than I've ever expected. I am happy for that. Okay, what am I saying now?

Well, I just wanna share what I was doing before, before knowing this crypto thingy and specifically, Bitcoincash. Maybe I was just like some of you, who're clueless, before, here.

Once upon a Time, I was there

Who doesn't want to earn money? Of course, everyone! It's just a matter of how and thru "what". Some are wise and that made them rich, some are just like me. Unaware, a naive of something more promising than what I was doing before.

Sharing these to you, for the very first time...

  • (Mediocre) Academic Assistant(Servant/Commissioner)

I may be bad at English but that doesn't mean I can't provide atleast, good answers. Hahaha.

Since 2019, I had been rendering cheap slash affordable services for fellow students who were undeniably bombarded by lots and tons and ocean-like slash mountain heights of modules. Two reasons: (1) They didn't work on it on time and (2) their teachers were just monsters(Lol).

I was, am, a bit flexible. (Lol). I've done few academic papers for college students. (from private schools) and basic math as in 1+1 is 11. My few attempts to this kind of "work?" or side gig was a bit "disappointing" why? let me tell you, some other time.

  • Lf: Little investment (scam?)

Some of my income (wow with that word) was used for investment. 3 days lock-in or everyday pay out, 150 pesos($3) turns 300 pesos ($6) in 3 days. Basically, you'd have to invest that amount or maybe bigger to get a higher daily pay out. If you'd invited someone, you'd be paid a % of her/his investments or most of the time it's fixed to 3-5%. I got paid for few days and then boom, the "CEO" slash founder run along with the funds. Hahaha. This happened many times, not to me of course. They called this I.W.E. (Invest, Wait and Earn) and most of them do not last for months. Few, maybe but I don't know. Eventually, I decided to quit here since I kind of loss some funds. My bad.

  • Spotted: Earning Bot for you and me

Earning bots was popular back then. Or maybe right now, or maybe that's what I knew? Since my environment was so limited. There's a fee, of course. Before you could access the bot and start earning, you'd have to pay and wait for "approval and activation". I joined just a few, 2 in particular. They are Q&A bots and we were given a copy of the answers(Lol) and there was a cut off as well. If you ever click beyond the time intended, you'll loss your points or even have a negative points. I was bad at it. As I was and even now, forget about it so there, I lost my balances. Hahaha. It's tricky. One of their best strategy to minimize the number of pay outers or those people who were able to meet the minimum amount of withdrawals.

Being me, and the too slow process of actually earning, I lost interest and left. There's this one that I joined in. It lasted a couple of months, I was able to cash out since it was pretty easier and has a lower pay out option compared to the other. The growing number of users was the reason why they decided to move us to another bot. To a new one. Little did we knew that it was just their way of escape, I mean whatever their reason, everyone believed that they escaped and ran. All admins and the "Ceo" were silent about that matter. I was too disappointed. We thought the "bot" was fine and healthy and then later that night, they announced a refund. (Nocturnals got it. I was already asleep). But that's on the past now.

Now, I'm here

I can't remember when did I exactly knew about bitcoincash existence. All I can remember is, I was and will always be thankful for this crypto. Now, I'm here!

  • Making noise on

Although I am no longer so active as before on, the experience before was #amazing. The moment I signed up, my first few subscribers and "friends", my first post and the first tip I've ever receive was nonetheless amazingly amazing. (Yuhoo this word will surely kill me.Hahaha) I was so happy that time. Of fudge, it's for real! I thought they were just effin kidding! But of course, my patience and perseverance were tested since you would not earn so instantly. there. Doesn't mean you've posted something, somebody will tip you or heart tip you( if you don't have any subscribers) You need to explore, build presence and such, to pull people.

  • Writing on

My first ever article was inspired by my frustration to those failed attempts to earn. Phew. is a gem? When I tried and earned from it, I was so devastated. I wasted my time to nonsense. I should have known "better" and was the best!

In read, For the first few days, it was challenging (Up until now). I didn't have friends. But a few fellas out there motivated me. You know who you are. Thank you! It was hard to start and I didn't knew the trick or if there are, really. Nonetheless, I am grateful for I'm here. Writing, earning, and learning more about these cryptocurrencies (I hope I do learn. Lol) and each opportunity they offer.

Moreover, at this moment, I'm learning to roam around aside from my comfort zone.

  • Staking

  • Trading

Those two are really intimidating. But I'll try to try. Phew.

Sponsors of AmazingWorld

Thank you to these awesponsor of mine. Bch to you!

Plagiarism Report

I feel like there's no need for this but still I ended up presenting a report.

You may wanna read:

Tyrannic Practices in the household

What if Marc De Mesel Pull out his sponsorship?

I run and run because...

The Power of Bitcoincash...

$.04 saved me(You got to believe this!)

Just one day

The day I cried...

He's not okay, what he need is help

You can also check this out:

Little Envy

Little Envy II

My collection

If you like writing poetries, feel free to join here.

Lead image credits to Picsart editing app.

$ 3.56
$ 3.36 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @marblely
$ 0.05 from @MissJo
+ 4
Avatar for AmazingWorld
2 years ago


Being on this platform is really exciting. I like meeting people and reading what they write, because they almost always write from the heart and express their best thoughts. Yours are very interesting. Nice to meet you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hi! i am sorry for my late reply. I am honored to meet you too. Thank you for paying me a visit. Good day!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

To be honest I have tried my luck in different platform and now I am doing these two, read cash & noise cash. Totally reliable. Beside this, I met some awesome people like you @AmazingWorld

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We really tend to join some easy money platforms before just to earn money. However it is still s good turn that we are able to know about Read Cash and Noise Cash that really gives us a lot. For sure, we all are enjoying it now.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yas po. No doubt about that. Thankful ako na nalaman ko na nag eexist si noise at read.💖💖 Hulog ng langit. Thank you po for your kind visit 🤗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hulog ng langit talaga. Need lang talaga to invest some of our time, but over all it is all worth it.

You are welcome. 🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I've been scam too not that big amount but it's hard-earned money. The reason why I promise to myself not to waste time on it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's really painful and sort of traumatic. I made a pledge not to associate myself with those again. Those really wasted our hard earned money 😫

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yes that's why I am happy that I am now part of 2 amazing platforms which is noisecash and readcash.All for free

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Congratulations on your achievement! I think it is great to be here and on noise, to be able to earn BCH, for the love of writing. I have been there with teeny weeny earnings and what we earn today may not keep coming. But we keep writing and keep trying. And your English is good dear. Stay you! <3

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you thank you @marblely! I am happy with your words. Thank you 🤗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

At first, I was hesitant to join these two amazing platforms but thank God I took the opportunity, and boom I'm here ❣Im so happy to be here ❣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

And so am I! Yay we made the best choice po

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also have gone through many investing scam for online earning purpose but noise cash and read cash have been great as I have experience as newbie here

$ 0.00
2 years ago

that investment are really frustrating! lucky i found noise and These two gave me great experiences 😊 btw, thank you for stopping by @HudaMehru!

$ 0.00
2 years ago