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2 years ago
Topics: Infected

Published on: September 11, 2021




Does this what if has ever been on your list of "What if's"?

What if zombies ever, tomorrow or in the next 2-5 years?

Since the rise and fame of zombie movies, it became a food for thought for many- that awakened their resounding worries on such destructive possibility. "What if zombie apocalypse actually occur?", "What will I do if this whole town will be terrorized by brain-eating zombies?" (but in movies, they will eat all our parts!) and a lot lot more...questions of horrendous possibilities? or imagination.

Wait a minute...Suddenly, I became curious on who invented or proposed or created this whole "zombie" idea so I consulted to google about this "undead corpse"(a good example of oxymoron).

  1. The undead corpses actually trace their roots to Haiti and Haitian Creole traditions that have their roots in African religious customs. According to Haitian folklore, the book Race, Oppression and the Zombie recounts, zombies are the product of spells by a voudou sorcerer called a bokor.

  1. Zombie folklore has been around for centuries in Haiti, possibly originating in the 17th century when West African slaves were brought in to work on Haiti's sugar cane plantations. ... According to some reports, the life—or rather afterlife—of a zombie represented the horrific plight of slavery.

According to my research, it came from Haiti and Haitian creole traditions. From tradition it pave its way to literature. And George A. Romero with his Romero zombies, made a huge impact to this zombie lit with his apocalyptic "Night of the Living dead" on 1968.



I am a fan of the idea of zombies, but I don't want them to come to life (although they're dead) knocking on my door. I just fancy the idea and process and because there are few great (?) movies that features them. From the Night Of The Living Dead (1968), Day Of Dawn Of The Dead (1978), The Dead (1985), Braindead (1992), 28 Days Later (2002), Shaun Of The Dead (2004), Rec (2007), The Walking dead, World War Z (2013), Train To Busan (2016) and many more to mention. (I haven't watch them all, but because of this article, I will have and want to watch them).

A zombie, once able to bite you will turn you just like them. And you will find your victim/s to appease that insatiable hunger and/or cravings for human flesh. There, starts the journey of the apocalypse.

Imagine yourself being bitten and then you'll turn to be a monster just like them? It's really scary, right? Just the idea of losing your sanity, your freedom to choose the "right" and lawful acts or maybe turn your loved ones to be like you are enough to terrify you.

Who believes in it, and who does not?

A few or some might be the best word to express the discrete (unknown tho) variable on how many people actually believe in the possibility of zombies and their catastrophic consequence for the human race.

Did you know?

Over one in ten Americans (14%) have a zombie plan ready if the undead ever rove the Earth in search of human flesh, according to a new YouGov survey.

Sea of fast wall climber zombies Ver. 1m^1m

Few claims that it may be possible although to a varied sense of origin and scale or proportion. I've read "few" articles slash blogs about zombies to possibly roam around in real world and not just in one's worried mind. Zombie movies added to that "glint of fright" but there's a new perpetrator that roves around earth, giving some that "fear" of being infected.

I bet you know this?

This is very well known right now. A two more year-old citizen of earth that is Absolutely dangerous, lethal and contagious. As of now, there are already 214,779,872 cases around the world and 4,477,258 deaths. As THE DAY ENDS, new cases and number of deaths are being added to this global counts.

Due to the abrupt escalation of cases for the first wave and the following waves of cases among countries, required the collaborative efforts of private pharmaceutical firms teaming up with public health agencies to develop vaccines to curb the number of cases and to successfully minimize the % of danger one will face with having proper shot of vaccine.

To be precise, there are 7 different vaccines approved by WHO according to Covid19 vaccine tracker.

Vaccine. Vaccine. Vaccine. I have read some fellow users got theirs already. But why do some do not have yet? There are few reasons. But today, I will have more focus on why some do not want to participate in any vaccination, period.

  • They don't belive in it

  • They are afraid of the "consequence/s" (long term, I mean)

Let's get back to the previous variable,shall we? Zombie. In movies how do zombies become zombies? Let me pull these 3 close possibilities from YouGov.

  1. “A scientific experiment gone awry that turns humans into zombie-like creatures”

  2. “The spread of a parasite that turns its victims into zombie-like creatures”

  3. “A toxic chemical spills into the ground and causes the dead to rise”

At this point, the creation of vaccines, the covid 19 virus, the uncertainty of whether these vaccines can surely help them (atleast) to fight the aforementioned virus and if they do help (for now) they somehow believe that there'll be surely some side effects. Not the effects one will experience after receiving the shots, but rather the year/s long "unknown" it might be cooking. Surely, this may sound funny or what. But do we really know? (No, don't send hate please).

The 2007 post apocalyptic American film based on Richard Mattenson's novel "I am legend" (I am sure you've watched this, maybe few times?) became a material for anti-vaxxer when the first vaccine was approved for use. Few people who've watched the movie believed that the vaccine turned millions of humans to be zombies (but the mngt. clarified that those millions were not called zombies but rather vampire mutants). In that said film, a clarification was made. It wasn't the vaccination that turned those humans into aggressive zombies or vampire mutants but rather the virus.




Sorry, but the things you've read above is not my main concern

It's me. And the reason of my absences. I missed maybe 3 days now. I haven't posted anything and now, I'm working on this.

P.s. I did some researching.😪 which is definitely tiring me, my brain and my eyes.

This got me worried since last week. It's not that I was paranoid but since we were living close to each other (basically breathing each other's Co2s. Lol) Indeed, I ended up being paranoid.

My uncle was first to have it. He just came back from Manila. A week after, his wife followed. Then my other auntie followed suit. Then my brother, my younger sister, my father and now, it's me.

I'm infected.

but if I'm this beautiful then it's fine (LOL)

I know for sure I'll be knock out. It's been many months since I last fell ill. And when that happens, I'll be bed ridden. That's the reason why I wasn't able to make any update for days now.

It was just thursday afternoon when I first felt my eyes were burning. It's kind of sore. I even took a bath but to no avail, the sh*t persisted. Hours after, my head started throbbing that it didn't permit me to have peaceful sleep. My legs were sore as if I ran miles away.

Among the family, I have the weakest immune system (I think) and ain't proud of that, okay? So I was kind of really surprised that I did caught something this time. It's consuming my energy. Fast. I let my butt kiss the bed the whole day(Friday). But being me, I still managed to drop and visit TG because you know. Hahaha. (Thru my sister's help).

No one, aside from our family and neighbors slash relatives knows that we've been petting something contagious. It's just a fever. But compared to my previous fevers, this is wildy different. Aside from that, they said (the first victims) that they lost their senses (smell and taste)...




Zombies' origin

  1. Zombies in Haiti

  1. history of zombies

Lead image-


see other pictures for reference

I really need some more sleep. Good night everyone! I am sorry for my absences. I'll be well soon. Thank you!

Also, I would like to use this opportunity to thank my newest sponsor@bmjc98 (sorry for the tag). Thank you po❤ ng madami!

Sponsors of AmazingWorld

Thank you din po sa mga taong ito. God bless you all.

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Avatar for AmazingWorld
2 years ago
Topics: Infected


Aha so maybe that's where the "we will be zombies because we've been vaccinated" came from. Lol. I pray no zombies will ever come to life now and in the future.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha yan nga din ang aking nakikinita sa future baka soon magkatotoo ang zombie hahahah. Natawa ako don sa ok lang maging zombie basta ganun kaganda hehe...takot din ako magpabakuna hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

siguro nga po e. hahahaha naku pwede naman po. kung ganoon nga kaganda😆 hindi pa din kami nababakunahan kasi ako nga din natatakot. Sa karayom😪 masakit daw e

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oo nga sis nkakatakot din ung side effect niya ungbkapatid ko akala niya mmatay n siya astra zenica yung binakona sakanya talagang nilagnat sya oneweek

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ay jusko, mare ! Nagulat ako sa lead image talaga haha. Good night, see yah tomorrow ❣

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hahaha slr. maganda naman ah hahaha.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think this zombie thingy isn't impossible to happen in the near future. We wouldn't know, maybe a mad scientist will create something LOL.

Take care po, keep safe always :>

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There is a possibility, siguro po. We don't really know. baka talaga nga. Thank you po sa pagbisita!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

i could only think of this while reading your article:

Revelation 9:6 ESV And in those days people will seek death and will not find it. They will long to die, but death will flee from them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

nakakatakot po yan. but it's true. Thank you po ffor paying me a visit. God bless!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

To see your image I'm scared.To me it seems like a ghost story.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

hey I'm so sorrry. i i didn't mean to scare anyone. I will change it as soon as I can. btw, thank youfor stopping by😊

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I think, the zombie thingy can actually happen, maybe some people are studying it right now. Or maybe from a failed experiments who knows maybe tomorrow, knock on wood* so we should always be prepared and be happy for the rest of our lives.
Hope you feel better po! That's why in our house nagsusuot parin po ako ng mask to prevent airborne diseases

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Maybe. Kaso sana hindi talaga yan mangyari. I'm a bit good na po. Sana magtuloy tuloy na. sakitpa din kaso ng ulo ko. I just stop by to reply on few comments. Thank you! Need ko na din talaga mag ingat mga 10x

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Train to Busan made me cry. And I am waiting for the World War Z : part 2. Hey, have you watched Army Of The Dead? Newly released.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

that's one of the best zombie movies I've ever watched. That made me cry too. Just too painful. I haven't watch that. I'll check that out, sooonnnn. Hehe. thank you for your visit!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Zombie apocalypse are really possible to happen in future due to advancement of technology and knowledge that scientist had, it can be used as bioweapons to wipe out the entire population of earth, but I don't believe that the vaccine can starta zombie apologize, I think it's just a rumor of those people that feared on taking the vaccine, still I respect the decision and it's still depends on the person if where they believe.❤

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hi poo. Thank you for taking the time to read. It may happen yup. Pero ganoon po talaga e. may mga taong naniniwala na they will be zombies kung magpapabakuna sila.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

HUuhuhuhuh! Pagaling po kayo... This is the upgraded flu.. kaya kahit mild lang you should also check and monitor your O2 ... :(

I like that emphasis on the virus created the zombies not the vax... ;)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hiii thank you. Opo I'm monitoring myself saka din talaga ako nakakalabas. Thank you for stopping by. and sa you know. I just read it somewhere e. Yung mga anti vaxxer talaga naghahanap ng basis para siguro manakot, or just to convince themselves that receiving vaccines will turn them into such creature.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Gusto ko lang manuod ng zombie pero ayaw ko in real life haha pahinga kana chaka pagaling rin.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

ahaha ako din e. Wag naman sana. Thank you!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I don't believe in zombies anyway what I really fear is technology and robotic 'beings'... and the consequences of a too automated life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

that's true. And kind of inevitable for we, most humans are pursuing and inventing useful stuffs to make life easier. That'll be true...maybe in the next decades or centuries...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Life is filled with mystery and the ideal of zombies seems to be one of the mysteries portray in movies...

$ 0.00
2 years ago

yeah I agree on that. Thank you for stopping by @bounty19! have a good day!

$ 0.00
2 years ago