I am not cursing "F" this Friday or any other day

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2 years ago
Topics: F, Fun, Family

Published on: September 24, 2021

After reading emily2u's article about these F's, I promised to write also but I completely forgot about that. Thank you to Jinifer's article WTF and I was able to remember *facepalm* I am becoming more and more regretful nowadays ah.

There are many words that starts with F. Something you eat, you spend, you do, you have, and you say. Good and bad, you know that. It's absolutely a good thing to assess these F's in order for him/her to see whether these F's are healthy still.


Honestly, we are not that close. Ain't a mama's girl or papa's girl. How about with my siblings? As typical as most siblings do, we fight. Ah, Although it's not me who starts argument most of the time. Dad has fostered a good habit to scold us everyday even to the smallest details of our small mistakes. He has been like that maybe because that was how they've been raised by their parents. (This is not to degrade my family. I just wanna share so I hope you don't mind). Mom is somehow his complete opposite. She seldom scold us compared to how often dad does. Even so, we won't talk back. Clearly, I am an obedient daughter, we all are.


Fun? As a house daughter, yeah staying in the house most of the time, tending to house duties as I am supposed to. I seek my "fun","entertainment" and good "distraction" thru watching movies (shhh on facebook) videos on facebook, chatting here on read, seldom posting on noise, funny memes, writing articles or fiction story and reading...awakens the sleeping "fun" within me. It's really good to find something to divert my attention away from my worries and personal ordeals. Tho, I seldom go out...that would be of more fun heya?


It's like asking how healthy Am I? And the answer would be approaching negative on the x-axis. For a few who has been reading me, knows and it's obvious that I'm on the horizon of poverty and I am not proud of that. Our household's financial health was not good and then worsen during this covid 19 crisis.

So now I am still up just like yesterday to write something and finish few activities coz tomorrow will be a very long day for me.


How to determine who is a friend? Don't blame me but I am having a hard time tagging someone as a friend because I am no certain who's authentic and who's fake. Nowadays or even before, it's hard to find real friends. Most do "befriending" because they want something or is after something. You know that. I am fine to call them "acquaintances" coz that's a little bit painful. When I said I wasn't friendly, I meant that. I tried to reach out tho, maybe I was really a misfit that's why I wasn't able to gain a few. My life's fine without them anyways. Wjat bothers me is they'll surely rise from the dead when they will ask me, either a question or a favor.

Hmm, it's not as pitiful as it may seems. I have this cousin. She's nice. I found that friendship in her. So I'm keeping her. Although we seldom talk because we're both busy, we know for a fact that-that won't cause a rancor.

Another thing, online friends are better, aren't they? People in here as well are undeniably awesome and amiable. Thank you guys for your kindness!


Health is wealth, and so wealth is health. I don't have to lose weight since I am naturally thin (not so) but that does not save me from having exercise because exercise is exercise. Spending a couple of minutes won't hurt but I am totally lazy most of the time so I ended up not exercising at all. I do push ups sometimes (charot) hahaha.

Aside from that, in order to be "fit" and actually abide by the concept of "fitness", I eat veggies. Oh, I love them. I'd rather pick veggies than meat (charot. I can't resist chicken tho) so that makes me a bit vegetarian hmm. Moreover, I seldom eat chips and or junk foods and softdrinks this year because I don't have some bucks to spend hahaha. Lol. But close to reality. ouch!

Another F this Friday, but I am not cursing

This is definitely not a bad word okay? That f has two different erm weight and uh definition depending on whom and who that person is referring to and what s/he intends to say. This F is an F. We were given this the moment we were born but the question would be, are we enjoying it?

Freedom. Freedom to be you and express yourself.

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Avatar for AmazingWorld
2 years ago
Topics: F, Fun, Family


internet friends are way better than those so-called friends that we get to see everyday lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

definitely! hahaha mas oks pa sila kausap e. and...if ever na may masabi man sila sa atin na masama, we won't know so It's safer. charot. Hahaha. May something sa mga online friends natin e. ❤❤

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I am glad I get to know a few great friends whom I can trust. It's indeed hard to find gems these days since the world is full of fake ones. And yes you're right about some of them that will only reach us every time they're in need and will get close to us once they know that they can benefit from us.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

savagely true. Nakakainis lang talaga pag umaabot na sa point na pansin mo na talaga motibo nila.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

There's a situation where you will be able to identify who's a good friend and who is not, just wait for that moment and their actions will show.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

well noted po❤thank you for stopping by here

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Finding good friends these days is difficult. It is also difficult for me to let the people I know come into my life, it is always good to know in depth first and then call them a friend. That F is really hard to find.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

definitely. Maybe keeping a few is better than entertaining more. It's really good to know them well before calling them one. Heya! dear infinity thank you😘

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh dear, you just made my jaw dropped like jinifer with the title. But actually I loved it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

definitely I am cursing hahaha. Hello to you dear lucifer! How have you been? i see a beautiful badge along with your name, congratulations 💚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It’s the badge of everyone's support & love. I'm blessed. I'm fine, thanks dear.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Me too, it is hard to find true friends. I have two that are true, and I have my own people at work that I know will stand beside me in times of trouble

$ 0.00
2 years ago

then that's a good thing po. Hope you'll continue to have good bond with them❤

$ 0.00
2 years ago