Forget, Erase, Delete Button (Where is it?)

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Avatar for AmazingWorld
2 years ago

Published on: November 07, 2021 (#2)

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No one's perfect. That's right. There's always something good and bad in us and how we deal with them will be the deciding factor on how (good or bad) we live our life. You agree with me? You have something to be proud of? And something to be embarrassed and ain't too proud about? Well, that's what makes us all a human.

Humans aren't perfect in all aspects. From the way we look (physically, although some are indeed blessed with uhm you know...tho all of us are beautiful and handsome in our own way, don't you think so?) how we act, make decisions and even the slightest act that can make us look stupid are expected. Sometimes, and that becomes a balancer to this world we live in and from which society we belong.

Since we are just a human, entitled to commit mistakes as we grow and learn (But isn't entitled to abuse that) we will surely face many trials in life, and many many more embarrassments.

Embarrassment. It can be a stupid act in front of someone or in the middle of a crowded place. Something which cause your cheeks to heat up and your heart to race. Yep, and the more people are involved, the more intense the embarrassment is. Embarrassment can be inflicted by you, yourself and how people react to what you've done. It could be intensified if people who have seen it would laugh at your stupidity and pile you up with their comments (that could be a light comment or an insult).

All of us have been embarrassed, haven't we? May it be in front of our friends, family members, classmates or uhm, maybe in public. That's inevitable after all. Even if you're too cautious, you'll end up being embarrassed at the least time you expect it. That's life.

Accidentally remembering it. Ah, blame that to our amazing memory! Geez. Why do we easily recall embarrassing moments than math formulas? There's an event in our present life that will bring us to remembering our past embarrassments. And as for me (I internally scream out of frustration) I just get frustrated whenever I get to remember those moments. Yeah, there are so many of them. And sure, they come rushing to me at the same time. LoL. Partly true.

A person. When he or she or someone knows that embarrassment of yours and bring that up to your face and laugh at you, it's either funny that you want him or him to forget about that. Whenever i remember those memories, I wish for a forget button! Like I can erase those embarrassments from my memory and from other people who were present during that embarrassing time...

Well, that's utterly impossible. Lucky if people would be able to forgot that as time passes by. And for your memory, it's impossible (until you age old enough to forget about them and or if you ever have an amnesia, good for you?) But, right now, we have to deal with all those rushing memories of embarrassment and just laugh at them whenever we remember them. HA-HA-HA. that's right! Hahaha😑👈. Laugh them out dude. Embarrassment are mostly good because they can make you laugh, really.🤣

I won't share any embarrassing moments because they are all embarrassing, really. How about you? Would you share one? Or should I share first before you share yours?...kidding

$ 2.77
$ 2.53 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for AmazingWorld
2 years ago


Embarrassment will happen if we want to improve ourselves. Try new things the first time causes embarrassment but after that, we gain confidence and that doesn't hurt anymore. Cause no one remembers our embarrassing moments except ourselves.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

We are human and it is our inborn habit to make mistakes we can't avoid this it doesn't matter how hard we try. If we can't accept our own faults, mistakes then why the other people will accept our mistakes? Actually I do not want any remove button, I do not want to remove my embarrassing moments because those things helped me a lot to overcome my obstacles.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Very well said. I must agree with you.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you soo much for agreeing with my thoughts Have a healthy day

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You too❤️ have a great day and God bless you! I see you are one new visitor of my articles. Nice meeting you and thank for stopping by

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Today I noticed your account for the first time😅I do not know why you were hiding from me but now I got you😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hahaha the same goes to me. I haven't been too explorative in the site (been quite busy) but now, thanks to your comment, I have a new friend. I see you are weeks old user, I hope you are doing good in here?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I too did not give my full attention and time to this wonderful sight, but now I'm trying to give my best and trying to engage with other users too, for this decision look I have gained so many friends here including you😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Trust me, your decision won't disappoint you. You'll be happy here because there are plenty of good people here, running and scrolling around.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm realizing this fact now Have a great day

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If only life was given with a reset or delete button, I will likely delete the embarrassments I did in my life that every time I think of it I cringe to the maximum level. Thinking how stupid I was hahaha.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Hahahaa same same here tho wala tayong ganun e kaya we have no other choice but to deal with them 🥺

$ 0.00
2 years ago

If I really had that button, I would delete most of my misdeeds. Really felt ashamed of those. 😔

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That applies the same to me. Tho we can't erase them. That's life, sadly.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have lots of embarrassing moments specially during my high-school since I always got slipped on wet places, suddenly students will laugh at me and it is really embarrassing since the dirt attach on my butt. Nah i wish I don't remember those embarrassing moments since it attach on me for life.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Naku kapag talaga naalala mo e no. Ang sarap mambatok🤣 bat ba natin kasi nagagawa ang mga yan. Nakakainis na nakakatawa talaga hahahah

$ 0.00
2 years ago