Can I pluck your eyes out?

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2 years ago

Published on: October 24, 2021

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There's an obvious explanation as to why people do glance, look and stare to either a person, an animal or a thing. It's easily readable and understandable for a person to hold affection or attraction or simply be fascinated to a particular being especially a person. Looks definitely portray a big role in catching one's attention and somehow, attitude and or personality share the same percentage as the aforementioned in terms of gaining some audience to spare glances be it in subtle and sophisticated or blatant and rude ways.

You saw this beautiful flower for the first time and you can't seem to take your eyes off of such beauty. Your secret crush was simply walking inside the canteen may wake up butterflies in your stomach (lol) and you can't refrain yourself from stealing glances because he's too cute you can't resist. Situation like seeing a beautiful and expensive looking dress will surely leave you just staring especially if you can't afford it. There are plenty of stuffs that will draw our attention to because that's part of us, to stare, to admire and be utterly fascinated.

Others are maybe aiming to catch everyone's attention by doing stuffs which are definitely eye catching. But some fall to the opposite category, hating the idea of someone watching her or him most especially when he or she doesn't have the slightest idea when that staring happens, exactly.

When someone stares at you for longer especially someone you don't know, what will you feel? Yeah, it's either you'll answer that you don't care or that's awkward I will feel awkward rather. How you deal with such approach to show affection even coming from strangers will vary depending on you, your environment and your way of thinking and acceptance to such truth. For some they'll shrug it off, it's just a look and they are used to that but that writes a different story to someone else with opposite experience.

Blessed with clear vision, we were given the privilege to see the world and fellow creatures as well as distinct species. We can enjoy such privilege without paying for any tax dues yet we are exposed to violate individuals especially women if we'll (you boys/men) be too engrossed with that privilege disregarding and envading others' privacy.

There are two kinds of stare: the comfortable and uncomfortable and those two has subs as well. Stares from family members, friends and intimate partners are basically included in comfortable category while uncomfortable stares are basically from new people around you, superior individuals who can grill you, and strangers with weird staring habit, that makes you ultimately uncomfortable.

Let me ask you this question: When was the last time you stared too much with something or someone? Did you make him feel uncomfortable or not? Nah? If so, I assume you two knew each other (if s/he is a person) coz things can't complain however animals can growl at you if they didn't want you staring. LoL.

Another question: When was the last time someone stared at you and you felt uncomfortable and maybe annoyed? Why? Is it because you don't know that person and you felt unsecure under his/her gaze? That's a basic answer and few more people would answer the same. The idea that we don't know them and yet they keep staring rudely will give us the uncomfortable feels.

There's an obvious difference between an expected stare from people we know and unexpected stare from people we barely know or aren't comfortable getting such attention.

My personal experience happened when I was at 11th grade. There's this guy who(a batch mate) would sit on a bench near our school gate. He arrived earlier than me which bothered me the most. Because when he did, he'd be there waiting until I walk in. There start his staring, I mean he did follow me using his eyes. Even though he knew I was aware of him staring so rudely and blatantly. Honestly, I was annoyed and nervous at the same time as I walked past where he sat. That did happened few more times so I decided to arrive earlier. What bothered me more was that, he was a total creep. He was totally proud staring blatantly that even I glared at him (and mentally curse like what the fudge dude?), he didn't budge nor withdraw his gaze out of humiliatiation for being caught red handed. That was just too much to handle for me so I was always arriving with someone else. My girl and guy cousin mostly. I did share that creepy encounters and I think he did back off after few more attempts. He didn't approach me to talk about that incident nor to say sorry and...I wouldn't try to communicate with him...that incident surely gave me the feel like I was in danger(lol) maybe he was up to something (lol) or he did hate me that much that he wanted to scare me? (Oh no, I don't know).

Weird, yes. Stares become uncomfortable or comfortable depending on who that person is, and the level of comfortability you have towards that person. On the other hand, other people you aren't too familiar or acquainted with may instill you with emotions such as nervousness, annoyance, and fear to security.

Published Date and Time: Oct. 24, 2021 @04:30pm

Photo by: Timothy Dykes

Thanks for reading!

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Avatar for AmazingWorld
2 years ago


I don't stare at someone too much as I don't like to be stared at also. When a person stares at me for a very long time, I think of him as a very rude person. He could be assessing my physical appearance negatively or worst thinking bad about me. It's really uncomfortable. Well, in crowded places, some people are really like that. As much as possible I just try to ignore their stare and compose myself.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I thought it's something gore when I read the title LOL

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ay te naranasan ko nang may tungin ng tingin sakin tas kada tingin ko umiiwas, eh nakikita ko sa reflection ng phone ko. Creepy lang sya creepy pero oo sobrang creepy takaga

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Never seen you so much pissed. Relax dear.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Oh I am not pissed at all. What made you say that

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I thought someone was staring at you.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh that's already years ago. Hahaha. That was just creepy...

$ 0.00
2 years ago