A Late introduction

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Avatar for AmazingWorld
3 years ago (Last updated: 2 years ago)

Hi folks!

This is AmazingWorld a student who loves to read and write. I am @BitbyBit on noise.cash. I have read about read.cash many times. I actually created an account here from weeks ago but was busy with my studies and other stuffs.

There's nothing much about me. I just write when i feel like it and that feels have me this past few days. I have known this platform thru noise.cash, by the way. Thanks to some good folks. I was able to learn the basic on this platform thanks to some articles i have read so far.

I am so glad i able to know wonderful user from noise.cash who's also on read.cash. Actually, I got my first ever sponsor and my one and only thanks to @Bloghound . Thank you!

I am happy that i have known these kind, productive and awesome people like @Just1dood and @Bloghound (Sorry for the tag) But i am thankful to these people. They are actually my "first people" to talk to here on read.cash. They are also approachable and i am very happy to learn more about stuffs thru them. My only wish for you guys is, God bless you more!

Also, I love to write with a prompt. I saw Ms. JonicaBradley's post about prompts and i tried to write about it. If you want to check it out, here it is.

In my 4 days here (although my account is weeks old now) I have written 3 different articles. Here are the links:



I also love to read and write not just articles, but also novels. Actually, i have been in many different writing platforms but wasn't really serious about them.

You could say that i am an amateur writer. (I commend and admire other students out there who managed to write while studying). If you want to know about me, i write about random stuffs. Some of my outputs and future works will surely be influenced by my personal experience, motivations and observations.

But i will seldom write abour cryptocurrencies because it is not my cup of tea, for real. I hope i am not alone. Am I?

Anyways, see you dear folks! Would roam around this site for a while. Maybe you'll see me on your articles' comment section. Thank you!

$ 0.07
$ 0.05 from @Bloghound
$ 0.01 from @Mictorrani
$ 0.01 from @Just1dood
Avatar for AmazingWorld
3 years ago (Last updated: 2 years ago)


Hi! I found you here. What I discovered in writing is that you just have to start. Doesn't matter how long the article is. The most important thing is to write what you feel comfortable writing about. Don't write what you think others want to read. Write what you want to write. There will always be readers who will relate to and enjoy what you write. Hope to see more of your writings and experience.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks a lot! I need much much advice. This is a tough start but i am thankful for such people like you!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This platform has plenty of friendly and helpful people. You're in good hands here.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hi, sis. Great to see you here. I was about to sleep and saw you posted read.cash a link on Noise Cash. I have to get back at ya, in the morning ok? See ya around and have fun. Welcome!!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hey thanks a lot! I was about to sleep too after posting on noise.cash but i got a notif from ny wallet indicating someone gave an upvote. Thanks a lot. You made my day!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Welcome, hope you'll like it here. Remember that if you seriously aspire for tips from the RandomRewarder, you need to write regularly, preferably every day or every second day, but not too often (not several posts in the same day). Also, your posts must not be too short. Minimum 5 minutes estimated reading time use to be fine. Then, of course, quality is essential.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank a lot, Mictorrani! But i posted this short as my introduction. Is it fine or should i lengthen it?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

No need to lengthen it now, that would not serve any purpose - but keep the length in mind for future posts.

$ 0.00
3 years ago