We appeal cause we care

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What a sunny day again! It's a miracle cause God allow this beautiful morning to come. But there's something that gives me grief. My uncle has just died. Anyways, I'm just hoping that he is in the right dimension now. He is aloof from us even before so, I couldn't feel such great sadness now. But it feel so sad when one of our relatives are gone.

Death is inevitable. We can't skip that. If it is your time no ones gonna make a cease on that. Right now, we are facing great calamities such as landslides, storms and earthquake from different corner of the globe. The bible warns and tells us what would it be when he is getting back here.

It's really astonishing that most of the phenomena happened to us are being recorded way back BC ( before Christ) and AD ( after death of Christ). The scripture is telling the truth. Therese no doubt on that. No one can repute to what is written in the bible. Plagues are being predicted and it so happen we are amidst COVID 19.

I just want to share this to you as a reminder. I just hope that people here are still knowing about our deity. Alot of individuals are passing out amidst the pandemic. Doctors, and other frontliners and are susceptible to any inflicted person. That's why we need to give them a huge respect and love. Without professionals and frontliners we can't contented up until now.

Virus are so dangerous. They've just consistently spreading towards any tangible things. Doctors try to fight this out and unfortunately some of them are died. It makes me feel down especially when I heard hundreds or thousands of individuals died because of this deadly diseases. Despite of that there are people who is Against that government health protocols.

It's gain so disappointed when there like them in the society. Why are they so stubborn? The government try to save us but still they don't make any collaboration. Wearing face mask is definitely a huge help. Staying inside the house and wait for the signal of health experts if it is allow to go outside.

Well, in my case I'm still abiding the government health programs cause, I know this is helpful not to be infected with that virus. I really want to go outside before but there's no sign that I can since there are emergent of variant OMICRON. It made me feel so much apprehensions cause my father and mother are working in a crowded place.

So, I'm just praying that it will be fine. In the current situation it seems that pandemic is slightly diminishing. This is a great news. Now, I can apply for a job. But still be careful cause we have unseen villain. Have you notice as we go further of our living things are getting worst? Well, I have noticed it. I've seen scientists make a protest against to those people who contributes climate change.

They give us a time limit. Within 3 to 4 years if I'm not mistaken. They've said that if we don't cease our activities that contributes climate change things may harder to get the normal climate. Our ozone layer is getting deteriorating and that the thing our climate is getting hotter. It makes our huge iceberg gradually melts and water level is rising.

Another thing is that we can encounter alot of calamities. Well, there are forewarn about that. Recently, our province have encounter highest level of sea level. The rain long last for almost a week and that's our mountainous are are saturated with water. It melts the ground and cause landslides. Many people have died and even there are alot of civilians trap underground.

This was so painful to know. Hope all people will unite and try to save the earth. Stop those activities that contributes deteriorating our climate. Anyways we do this for our future generations. We need to save them from great danger. We should believe to the scientists cause they know what's the best on us. In fact all they have said are true. Then make appeal cause they have also kids and younger siblings. They want also that our globe is still safe.

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$ 2.13 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @ARTicLEE
$ 0.03 from @DennMarc
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Indeed. Let's do our part to save what we can save and help those that we can.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Absolutely, true ARTiclEE, we make a contribution to our mother earth for it is our unique abode.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It is my greatest sympathy for your family. Anyway, signs of Jesus return were so visible and happening nowadays. Let's just do what is right.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks for that Jeanthoughts. Yes, that right sometimes I always think of that cause everything what's happening is already prophesied.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is very alarming and at the same time very threatening. We cannot predict how will the Mother nature will do next.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's what Im worrying. Hopefully, that the government take actions immediately before we get in deadline.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Let us do our part in saving Mother Earth, throwing trash properly, not cutting trees or reporting those who do illegal activities, helping in cleaning the ocean..etc. and most of all, let us not waste water and electricity. We brought this catastrophe to ourselves by being selfish and not thinking about Mother Nature.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Absolutely true 😊 Hopefully all government around the globe will try to realize how our abode earth is getting worst. We should impose Strick implementation of the law that will protect our nature

$ 0.00
2 years ago