World War

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2 years ago

History has carved a record that is so heartbreaking due to the problem of war. War is not only detrimental to many people, but also to the existence of ecosystems that exist on earth. From some historical records as a result of the first and second world wars, none of them left a happy story. Everything is filled with sadness and destruction. Ordinary wars are caused by ideological conflicts between one country and another.

Nowadays, learning from historical facts about the consequences of history is often warned of the consequences of a possible third world war. Which of course will be more fatal than the previous wars.

Image by brands amon from Pixabay 

If there is a war, what is really feared is the impact of the use of nuclear bombs. A substance that is very bad for human life. Of the various events outside the war that occurred due to leaks from nuclear reactors, it was very heartbreaking. It's just a leak that can have serious consequences caused by the presence of a nuclear reactor. It is unimaginable if this is used as a tool of war to bring down the opponent. This means it will be worse than an incident that is just a leak that has occurred.

Reminded of the problem of how the tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombarded by America. How war crimes were committed by the Nazis in his day. As if human life has no value. Somehow there is still selfishness that can be said about the word sovereignty. Is this the result of greed, power or simply wanting to dominate the existence of the world?

Although it is not as easy as it is said if at any time war can occur. Problems of conflict, power struggles, or other problems are indeed the main problems of mankind. And the last thing that is most often taken is to show strength. One party maintains that one party wants to show its sovereignty in the eyes of the world.

War is indeed the most feared thing today. Even though the existence of the earth alone is very wobbly with various unresolved problems. From world economic problems, epidemic diseases such as Covid, and global warming problems. I don't know, just thinking about it to be able to live properly is now a blessing.

Power and sovereignty. Now it has a different meaning from the word war in ancient times which really fought for independence. Now I don't know what the superpowers are really looking for and want to achieve. As if never enough, and continuing to want to rule the world will be the existence of one power that is in their hands.

Politics, economy, and national resilience are questioned in every country by everyone about the existence of the world today. Push each other and try not to be pressured. The crisis that occurred was a polemic that would never end in the end. Whereas the essence of all is caused by a few people who do not think about the existence of other humans. For the power is everything. Not to protect and not to guard and defend what the independence that has been achieved means.

How far are the conditions after the war, and what are the consequences if there will be a third world war later. It would be unimaginable for the condition of the world if it happened at any time. Will there be a safe place to say shelter or just breathe free air later. The interference of outsiders who ride on the existence of an incident is the most appropriate expression if at any time there can be war.


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Written by
2 years ago


Pray today for the peace of our nations.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

This is not good. We are destroying our own race. Such a shame!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

When reading the article we can see what is going through but imagine those peoples who are facing this. Its sad. So many organizations speak about peace. Where is this peace, when war is exists killing people brutally.? Third World War cannot be imagined.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

In this difficult time of the world, we have no choice but to pray. It is unfortunate to think that such a situation will arise with Ukraine. Now I don't really know what will happen in the future.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

This is full of sadness for every people living in this earth, I hope as soon as possible this war will past it.

Hi I am you new supporter here and have a nice day sir.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Let's pray that it's not a world war, so many lives will be destroyed and poverty will strive because of that.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

all stems from the desire to dominate the world who is the most powerful, fighting over a territory is the way most sought after by countries that have good power. territorial and territorial influence is the source of the problem.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

In the history of the world, many countries were founded and many countries were destroyed. Boundaries have always changed, it is difficult to keep track of which civilizations ruled in which geography in the past, even to remember. Names are forgotten, the debris left behind is remembered. Whatever the reason, war is nonsense.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Ésto cambiará la historia no podemos ver lo inexplicable que será una tercera guerra mundial

$ 0.02
2 years ago