Which is more important, useful or valuable?

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2 years ago

The potential for the proliferation of various kinds of new tokens has been greater since the presence of network languages ​​in the network. The smart contract fronted by the creator Erhereum Vitalik is interesting and becomes a project in every project to follow in the footsteps of the second generation of crypto coin models.

What is undeniable is that Ethereum's success with the tokens created on its network has become an important spotlight, especially since the development of the Ethereum network is heading towards the Erhereum 2.0 update. Where security issues, systematic transaction work, transaction speed, and fees for each transaction are the main values ​​that are expected by many people to be able to answer the problems that occur in the current Ethereum network.

Not only talking about the network in the Ethereum network, other networks are also experiencing rapid development which can be seen quite a lot at this time. However, the thing that can't be denied is that the bigger the market reacts to one of these networks, automatically the cost problem will still get bigger. In essence, every network still has the main problem of transaction fees in use by network users. Although each developer tries to say that their network is the network with the cheapest transaction fees.

Questioning the problem of transaction fees means that every time it keeps repeating itself for the same incident where the greater the transaction fee is, every time the network is used, especially when the value of the main coin is getting bigger. For some people, it doesn't matter if the value of the coins or tokens is large, so for them, the transaction fees are still small in value. However, for those who have or have small amounts, this may be very sad because of the enormous costs that must be incurred.

Indeed, the word accumulation remains unavoidable in a network. But if it's beyond reason, the word accumulation means not answering the word useful and valuable in the end. The ups and downs of prices that occur have become a much awaited phenomenon all the time in the world of crypto markets. Moreover, this happens in a matter of seconds. Then how for the word usage and the basic value of this hope can be realized as a pure word currency?

Not being a hypocrite, for the value of the amount I also hope for good in terms of the value of each coin or token in my portfolio. But speaking beyond the foundation and general purpose turned out to have literally run away from its purpose. So that the complexity factor to be adopted globally may still be a lot of struggle every time.

Because in reality the world is still dominated by the lower middle class. And if it is only around the range of values, it will be difficult to reach the lower classes and not answer the economic challenges for the whole world. Because this will only continue to be controlled by the hands of ignorant/fraudulent people as well as mere greedy people. Their paradigm of dancing on people's misery will continue and the greater the potential to give power to everyone who has the power of the word money.

$ 21.19
$ 20.82 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Omar
$ 0.05 from @gertu13
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Written by
2 years ago


You have thrown me into confusion. But I like your logic. However, we need both valuable and valuable things. However, it is difficult for us to walk without the necessary things.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

The gas fee that some wallets charge can be outrageous at times, but to a person who has a reasonable amount of tokens. But to some people when this gas fee is deducted, they have nothing left to transact with

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I can avoid using wallet of many exchangers because of transaction fee dear. For the title my response is useful.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I want to comment on only the title you used. Every one is more important, valuable and useful. As you are most important, valuable and useful for your family and same as your family is most important, valuable and useful.

$ 0.02
2 years ago