When the game places his position

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Write, Freewrite, Game

Games in the world of technology have now become something very big in the development of today's progress. At first, the game was something to get rid of boredom in everyday human life. But over time, the game turned into a game that made a person become something that gave a way to generate a sizeable income in his life.

Developing technology provides many opportunities in every field that is occupied by everyone. Providing new containers and spaces to deliver results that someone can rely on. Can not be separated from the word perseverance and one's fortune indeed. But, everything that is really practiced properly and correctly will indeed give good results in the end.

In the world of games, the wordplay is indeed created and is usually said by children, especially. As for adults only as self-entertainers, to fill spare time or just come along so as not to be left behind by the word trend that is happening. In contrast to the time when the game was more dominantly created for children, it has now changed the existence of the game itself. Where now the game world has penetrated for adults as well.

Technology plays a role in the condition of the existence of the game that is present today. With the existence of game technology that used to be made and can only be played by children, now it can be played by adults. In fact, the current existence of the game is said to be reversed, where the conditions of the game that are said to be for children may not necessarily be played by children.

Especially when talking about games in the form of games that have been around for the past few decades. The more advanced, the more created. From the easy to the level of difficulty that is quite difficult to play.

Image by Tri Le from Pixabay 

Back in the past, talking games may only be for the category of adult games that can give results to people who play them. Not anymore, a child who is proficient or used to it can also generate income that used to be if remembering the game was no result at all.

Coupled with the existence of the internet that increasingly supports the performance of a game today. For me personally, I'm just following developments and knowing the current form of the game. The rest probably who really play are my own children. What is clear is that I am not good at playing games, let alone the ones my children usually play. If you see them playing together the online games they play are often laughed at by them.

As a parent, I only provide a platform, as well as space to try to present what I can give the best for them. Not prohibited, but still under adequate supervision of course. Providing direction, input, and still advice not to be immersed in the world of the game even though it is a promising prospect today for their time.

With the number of games that are present or created today, it is also our responsibility as parents to sort out and provide meaningful explanations for them, especially children who still have limitations in responding to a problem. Not only looking for the word income but also the conditions that will occur to the children are also very important to pay attention to. As a reminder and perhaps the advice that is always spoken is to remind them that this is just a game. Where we hope not to forget what life means, stay social, not be lulled, aware of the real and unreal, and understand what we as humans were created in this world actually for by the Almighty Creator.


Lead Image by Speedy McVroom from Pixabay 

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Write, Freewrite, Game


My dear friend, as you said, the game industry is making significant progress every day, and we don't know what games are going to be made in the future. In my opinion, children's play should be completely controlled, because if they don't have enough supervision over their play, it can have destructive effects on children's personality...

$ 0.02
2 years ago

That is why we really need to adapt the technology now and of course apply it in a good way.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Technology has its big changes of peoples lives 🤗

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Exactly. Transformation of technology is so fast that we getting new things that change our daily life.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Athler. I love the one you have brought this morning. There is no disputing the fact that all work and no play make Jack a dull boy, that is a popular saying. Game no doubt kills boredom and children love them irrespective of their background. They only need to be monitored. Thanks greatly for sharing this. Keep it up.

$ 0.02
2 years ago