Tools, Space and Shape in Writing

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2 years ago

Writing is an activity that is often done when I was in elementary school and I was still in the process of learning to receive what is called education. When composing is included in the Indonesian language subject in my country, and maybe in other parts of the world, each country also provides one of these processes to students based on the language they use. It may or may not be the same, there may also be a different approach for students to fully understand the writing process.

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay 

The process of composing is the basis for students to be able to easily and be able to achieve fluency in writing. Because writing is a more complex process than reading. Writing for everyone who has been able to reach the word writing is certainly an ordinary and easy thing. Without exception, it may only become difficult if it is questioned to an illiterate person in the end.

The writing process presents many forms of variety in the results. The results that are present are in accordance with the basic needs and objectives of the existence of writing. In terms of writing for a writer, it means a lot about the existence of themes, meanings, goals, and results. Regardless of the formation or problem of what is being done, writing certainly gives a certain satisfaction to every human being who has given birth to a piece of writing.

To write well and correctly is not easy. Writing in a category that is mastered or not will always experience problems. What usually becomes an obstacle is the problem of knowledge and the order of the language used. For example, if I write in Indonesian, it may be an easy thing, but I will still encounter obstacles when looking for a word for a sentence that is written correctly so that the purpose of writing can be representative and can be easily understood by the reader.

In today's increasingly advanced world, it is easier for every writer to present their writings to the global community. And sometimes there is something that is most striking at this time about the existence of the use of tools such as translation tools for a language. For the global category, the main thing is that a writer is made using the language that is easiest for people to use for global words. And English is one of the global languages ​​that most people use to communicate in general. So that every writer often uses English as one of the languages ​​used to represent his writings to a global audience in order to get a better appreciation of course.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

For me personally, English is still a scourge for me personally. Where only understand in the general category only. While the use of words in English is still very far from being able to say let alone understand. So that the translator tool becomes one of the main choices which is very helpful for translating every writing that I make.

But still what is used will not be as good as expected. Although the translator tool is very helpful, if it is reviewed and researched properly and correctly, there will always be an endpoint where the word is forced. Though it may not be in accordance with what is meant to be conveyed in a word that is actually used. And sometimes in the process of tidying up, there will be an obstacle that usually comes to be the culprit or the main problem from not conveying the full meaning or purpose of an article, namely the word lack of knowledge of grammar and the laziness to fix or find the right use of words in English that should be used.

Things like the above are examples of common things found by every writer, of course. Especially for people like me who have a limited scope of understanding of English in general and broad.

Every writer wants to feel the words conveyed. Such satisfaction in itself if it can be achieved. If it is likened to conveying love to someone who is loved with the appropriate result, namely the acceptance of his love by the person he loves. Things that are difficult to describe, but a piece of writing can describe it and is also easy to understand by those who read it. Satisfaction is not only a point of the results obtained, but also a point in the eyes that is easy to understand, interpret, and remember the existence of what has been produced. Perhaps this is the form that every writer, in general, wants to achieve.

In the end, it can be said that writing is indeed an easy thing, but it is not as easy as imagined when talking about an achievement to be achieved. The easy thing to write for every writer is to write and not think about the formation of the results you want to achieve. The point is I just want to write without caring about the main value of the reader interpreting it according to what is written or wished to convey. And it depends on the characteristics, goals, and things that exist in each person who does writing. Freedom in writing is in the space in accordance with the existence of each writing itself.


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Written by
2 years ago


Wow, you can express your thoughts in a very beautiful way. I never thought so. You are outstanding article writer. I like you thought.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You are right writing is not as easy as a reader and not a writer but I know very well that if I continue reading write ups like this article you have,I can really improve and get better. Thank you for this and congratulations for pulling it off.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It’s a beautiful way to express your feelings. For me, it’s an art.

$ 0.02
2 years ago