Threatening danger

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2 years ago

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has really hit humanity in the 20th century. How not, this virus has made a lot of big changes in human life today. A bitter story again that entered the dark record of human history due to disease. Not only at the country level, or at the continent level, but Covid-19 has made the world level fall due to this virus.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

Until now, Covid-19 is still a scourge for the world. Even though it has been handled and attempted in a thousand ways, Covid-19 still presents a variety of existing variants. The Covid-19 period is not over yet so we can say we are free from disease problems. Recently the World Health Organization, WHO said the problem would be worse than Covid-19. New problems that are more dangerous and feared will create more diseases. That is the waste problem as a result of the prevention of Covid-19. Such as syringes, used test equipment, and vaccines which are said to be waste due to the presence of Covid-19.

Image by Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pixabay 

Again, the world is faced with the problem of the existence of waste. And this waste is the result of disease waste, so it can create a disease that is more sinister than the existence of waste that has been created by humans.

We have been faced with the problem of global warming for so long and this has become a serious problem that must be addressed immediately, speaking of other things, the problem of air pollution is not a new thing for us at this time, and now it is added by a new problem of the problem of waste that has tons of waste. -ton created before. The accumulation of waste from Covid-19 waste has become a new problem from a deadly disease and is also a new contribution to waste today. Covid-19 waste is also said to have an impact on pollution and can cause burns, needle-stick wounds, and various other diseases.

Image by Karuvadgraphy from Pixabay 

Waste is generated by humans, and the use of one of the worst is the problem of plastic waste. So efforts are being made to use plastic in every existing solution for every problem that uses plastic as the raw material.

There is no news yet for the problem where the presence of the accumulation of waste from Covid-19 is specifically at the point of greatest concern. But at least it becomes a new signal of new problems that must be faced for humankind. Our existence is still not able to return to its calm like before the Covid-19 attack. However, all of them provide lessons on the importance of paying attention to the environment. From the existence of everything, is not so advanced technology created, but not worth all the destruction and terrible what will happen to the world if all these problems are ignored just to fulfill the word progress.



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Written by
2 years ago


I wonder how long will the pandemic last but I am definitely hoping omnicron is the last variant after the booster shots will be injected.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

The world is facing a great problem,most of them are been added on a daily basis,we just need to be cautious these days.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

My dear friend, you mentioned a very bitter and horrible reality, I hope it doesn't threaten the unpleasant events of the human race, especially the children of today, who also have the right to life...

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Uncontrolled Warm weather is mostly suitable for reproduction of microorganisms. It's always been a threaten to human being

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Agreed dear. The world is facing many problems and we have added some more problems too.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

The world is constantly getting destroyed from waste, especially medical wastefrom Covid-19 treatments, equipment and so on.. and nobody is paying attention to it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

COVID-19 has done enough damage, but I wonder the world is going to prevent global warming.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

COVID-19 is the biggest enemy for more than 2 years already. It's really sad that there are a lot of people lives led to death because of this virus my friend. It's really sad. It's really painful. I hope this pandemic will end and everything will back to normal again.🙏

$ 0.02
2 years ago

The virologists are not yet able to isolate the new COVID-19 virus (refer to research reviews of Dr. Sam Bailey's available in her Odysee channel). The experimentally captured lab photographs are blurred (you can check it from the National Institute of Health website). It is a wonder how the governments, mainstream news media, and WHO circulate artists' rendition images in multiple colors.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

You are right, covid'19 is somewhat like doesn't want to leave the world alone.

$ 0.02
2 years ago