The second semester

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2 years ago

July 1, 2022, is the beginning of entering the second semester of this year. In semester 1, January 1 to June 30, 2022, the condition of a number of cryptocurrencies experienced a fairly large and severe decline in May 2022. Starting with the decline that occurred in Terra Luna and inflation problems that occurred pushed up interest rates so that the crypto market became quiet and sluggish. . With the crash that happened to Luna and her UST which was allegedly due to a defect in the token supply.

After the incident entered the month of June, the crypto crash became even more serious, affecting several companies operating in the crypto world. With the existence of a liquidation crisis that happened in several companies, the condition of the crypto market worsened in the first semester.

Semester 1

Entering the second semester, crypto began with conditions that are still in crisis, there are no visible signs that suggest that this crisis will end soon. Instead, many predict that it will be sustainable given the current global crisis. Many say this will continue maybe until 2023 in the future, which means that in semester 2 until the time of December 2022, the crypto world will undergo a phase that is not so meaningful.

Whether it's true or not, no one knows. Moreover, to say for sure it must have happened. The hope of course from all parties will improve as soon as possible. So that the crypto market is stretching again and making its contribution to the world more meaningful in accordance with the expectations of everyone who has jumped in and believes that crypto is a better financial system than the existing banking system. On the other hand, looking at global economic conditions also has a major influence on market conditions. But if we look at what happened during the pandemic era at the beginning, how did crypto show its role as the best choice when the pandemic was rampant.

Economic conditions are indeed the main ingredient that is loved by everyone. Because it involves a person's financial problems it is expected to improve the living conditions they live in. And crypto is a part of it at this point. Although there are still many who think that crypto is a game of speculation so it is considered the same as a mere gambling game. In addition, the problems that arise in the crypto world are quite surprising for various parties, such as fraud, hacking, and other problems that are often used in the world of crime.

Semester 2 in 2022 will provide many lessons and new knowledge going forward. With the existence of conditions that are being faced and must be lived. It will be a big challenge if this can be passed and even if it is done well by crypto. This means it will show once again a positive value that will lead to a direction of adoption and a better perspective and be accepted easily later. His track record has provided real evidence of the conditions that occur in the crypto world itself. But maybe it will be the same though not the same as before. Or even provide a new benchmark and a new history in the crypto world. So that the pessimism that is present so much in the current conditions can be dispelled into an optimistic view that will give crypto market conditions to improve and continue to improve in the future in accordance with the goals and expectations of creating crypto for the world community.

As a side note, it will be the result of the weak existence of the real-world economic system. Where the fact is that the fact that humanity and togetherness are above the same peace living in the same area of ​​​​the planet earth turn out that humans prioritize the greatness of the ego and the desire to be the best and strongest above the conditions that are said to be the common goal of mankind, security, tranquility, and peace.


$ 5.54
$ 5.14 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @Ling01
$ 0.05 from @gertu13
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Written by
2 years ago


Reaching to your 8th semester the Cryptocurency market will reach to 8 times upsurge as compared to its current condition. Means BCH will be at more than $800.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Let's just keep our fingers crossed, things could turn around.. The prices are mere speculations, let's remain positive

$ 0.02
2 years ago