The Road

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Written by
2 years ago

In the end, a winding journey or a straight road will end at the end of the last stop road. Long or short, small or wide, narrow or wide, silent or crowded, ascending or descending, there will be a final stop on every chosen path.

Image by Albrecht Fietz from Pixabay 

When you are on the road there will be every intersection, left, right, or continue. There are those who deviate to the left, there are also those who choose to deviate to the right, and there are also those who continue to keep going straight ahead. Without excluding other options to stop at that intersection, there are also those who choose to go back behind.

In the span of time, there may be similarities that exist according to the existence of walking on a road. But the difference is if in life we ​​can't choose the way to go back. Because there is no countdown to the matter of time. Even though in reality it is not a choice that we choose, it has become a determination to walk in the existence of a predetermined path.

To return or choose a path that has been traversed is only a trace of the meaning of memory to remind not to repeat what was present on the journey undertaken. Such as avoiding potholes, or paths that are not smooth. Instead, they make decisions that are taken to avoid, choose, or react to what was previously faced so as not to repeat the results that were felt previously.

Repeated or exactly the same as what has been lived, not repeating or returning. Like a deja vu for reminders, signaling every decision to be made. Fulfilling a step with disproportionate fulfillment does not fit previously felt.

Regret is only the result of a wrong step taken, as material to realize or reflect on the mistakes that have been made. It's not an ending or a spot, and it's not a self-torture process. Become an evaluation, become a whip, become a color, become a pleasure, make a beautiful color for bad results that are taken. It is not a failure, because there is no failure without an ultimate result of success.

In the end, is the endpoint. As death is the endpoint of life's answer. A true reminder of what pride goes through every living being who goes through the process of life. A limiting alarm, a spirit generator, an identity generator, the formation of life goals. Considering the endpoint of death is the endpoint of everything, suffering, the happiness of nothing can be brought in reality. Only charity, worship, and memories for those left behind.


"Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un" (Indeed we belong to Allah and to Him we shall return).

Goodbye someone who walks together in life, may all your deeds of worship be accepted by Him.

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Written by
2 years ago


Once we encounter mistakes on our path to greatness, we will begin to regret but we must understand that mistakes are sure ways for us to become better in life.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Death is the greatest truth of the world we live in! We are just completing our exams. We passed or we stayed!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Oe oe you're a muslim too. I'm also a muslim. It's really hard to find a muslim in gentleman online properties 🥴 Btw right now I'll give extra loves to your post

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Life is like road and we are like viches. Road at the end finished and same our life finished and we die. We should consume our time in our best ways.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

We all have to return to him. We all are the passengers.

$ 0.02
2 years ago