The placement of deeper meaning

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1 year ago

Hijrah moves from one place to a better place. The goal is clearly reacting to the hope of leaving a bad thing to achieve good which can clearly bring good. But it's not like just moving on, without any intention or because of an unintended event.

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Maybe the word move on is used more often in many cases, not in the form of moving on in the form of whole prose, but it can also be used in various things related to literal problems.

In the placement of deeper meaning, hijrah becomes a benchmark in the spiritual soul of Muslims towards something better. Move to avoid or leave everything that can endanger the self and the faith of a Muslim.

An example can be taken from the migration of the Prophet Muhammad from the city of Mecca to the city of Medina which aims to avoid the tyranny of the Quraysh infidels who intend to stop the preaching of the Prophet Muhammad in the city of Mecca until there is an intention to kill him. From this incident, many Muslims as adherents of Islam followed with the intention of occupying a better area in the context of religion.

In accordance with the development and progress of the times, hijrah also develops into small things that breathe a change in the soul of someone who had a bad attitude to emigrate to a better soul in terms of faith. Like a person's love that grows for his lover, so the hijrah is done because of his love for Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.

If we examine on a small scale the issue of love, it is very unfortunate to use the word move on because limited love has a human-human side. It means being so narrow and not aware of the existence of love which is actually greater and always there for humans themselves, where God should be fought for the language of love and affection.

Life is actually very short, so should we as humans prefer and are aware of that short time in which priority will take precedence over problems that should not be considered or even become a burden in living life in the world? There are so many pieces of evidence and facts that can be seen about the meaning of the greatness of the almighty God. Unfortunately, there are still many people who do not realize this because they are shackled by the existence of this incorruptible world.

As an afterthought, interpret the existence of the following quote:

"One signal is enough for an intelligent person, but a thousand phrases will not be enough for a fool person."



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Written by
1 year ago


Man was created according to God's will. Allah has created us according to His own will. All creatures created by God are beautiful. Many people laugh at transgenders. We need to change our mindset.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

"One signal is enough for an intelligent person, but a thousand phrases will not be enough for a fool person." Love this.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Believing and having faith is our choice, thanks be to that God almighty and Him who doesn't forsaken us. We aee the one who get far away from God for He is always near.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

The intention behind actions can change everything. God looks at the intention, and why you do certain things. If you do something to please God, your action will not go in vain. You will be rewarded for that.

$ 0.02
1 year ago