Secret Agent

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1 year ago

There have been so many films in the world that have taken the story with the background of the Secret Agent as a story that was appointed to entertain the audience. Perhaps the most worldwide and much-loved is the version of James Bond, a secret agent from England who has so many versions from the TV series to the big screen version. Or Mission Impossible which consists of many secret agents who work in group units.

Image by Roberto Lee Cortes from Pixabay

The background of the secret agents has many stories that are raised on how they can become an agent, trained with various skills and skills that are beyond ordinary humans. Equipped with sophisticated equipment or have been trained in conditions without adequate supplies. Other tastes are presented with intelligence or skill in their pattern of dealing with every problem that exists. Readiness in various natural, and climatic conditions as well as their own psychological conditions. Like a superhuman, a secret agent is described as having the mental strength and physical strength above average. And even if it can be added like a movie, as an added bonus, you are free to travel anywhere at state expense, not personal expenses. But it's just a joke for us ordinary people who don't really understand how difficult it is to work as a secret agent, in fact, it's natural not according to the work they do, and if you could say every job has its pluses and minuses of course.

From this picture, various questions and speculations arise in the world community, what is a real secret agent like in real life? It is undeniable that their existence as secret agents is true. Not widely known and not much exposed by the media. His/She's name is also a secret agent, if he/she is exposed, it means they are not a secret agent anymore.

Sometimes we can be carried away like how a secret agent works from the depiction of a film, how great and how great their existence is. Even if you think about their position or think about their existence, their existence is really scary, like a demon if it's not tame it means it can harm anyone their actions. However, it is natural and appropriate with the responsibilities or burdens they bear in their job. Where to work for the interests of the state and their own interests, of course, where their lives are at stake.

For a film whose purpose is entertaining, of course, it can be said to be interesting and very entertaining, but if in real life for those who work as secret agents, of course, it is very far beyond the expectations of humans who have feelings. It is inconceivable about the feelings of fear that must exist in every human being. Not to mention the relationship with the family they love. Where the words secrecy and responsibility are contradictory in conscience.

And this is one of the things that can be said that is how the world works. Everything started with the word security for the common good. Where it is evil there will be good to fight against it. Whether it's a goal or a problem, sometimes it will be seen from two sides, there are those who take sides and also those who don't.

Question: Which should come first, the rights of the nation or human rights?



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Written by
1 year ago


The life of secret agent is more challenging than we seen in movies and indeed they exist around us. It's really a though question perhaps I will go for the nation security because of nationhood but it doesn't mean I am cruel to human

$ 0.02
1 year ago

That's a tough question. For the benefit of one or for the benefit of the many? Even I can't give a clear answer to that.

$ 0.02
1 year ago