Out of materials

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Written by
2 years ago

There is a time, everything has a time. Moreover, talk about the problem that you want to use as the main capital to make something. Like a tailor running out of materials to make the clothes, he was working on. Maybe the time when everyone experiences a dilemma about what they want to do. Ideas and creativity never come. Although there are actually many things that can be taken as starting materials that will be used as the main capital to make something.

A lot or not is not a benchmark for the existence of a person's creativity to create. But sometimes because of conditions or situations that are not pleasing to create. Usually said to be in a state of creativity dead. Sometimes it's because of problems, laziness, accumulated thoughts, surrounding circumstances and so on that hinder creativity.

Image by Colin Behrens from Pixabay 

Being hit by conditions really hampers everything. Many are trying to get out of this situation. By looking for various ways to get out and start immediately or get good energy in order to give birth to creativity or continue the work that was delayed because of it.

For writers this is a common thing and is often encountered, looking for material to be written about or starting something based on what you want to write about. Conditions that do not provide pleasant conditions indeed, especially if it becomes a job that must be done. Become an added pressure under the condition of having to write a paper that must be completed.

Outside of work it can also happen, especially in terms of pursuing daily income which is expected to increase income for the existence of the necessary life. Like me, maybe even though you don't know how many results you will get, by writing one article, at least there is hope that there will be income from the writing. Regarding the results that are pleasing or not as expected, it usually happens. The most important thing is that you have tried to try so that at least give a word for the answer through the day without effort even though the results are not worth it.

Indeed, results are the main goal, let alone getting results outside of what is usually obtained. It certainly adds to the desire to not pass every opportunity that exists. Opportunity is the right word to say a must to bring something you want to hope for. Even though it was originally a dream, if the dream is realized even more than the dream, it will certainly bring happiness, more value in the end.

There have been so many who often write or just write about this condition. Maybe the form of writing is different but the essence is the same, the conditions are difficult to write something on the thousands of existing materials. It is inevitable that the deadlock will just hit, start then stop, start but not enough, want to start but still can't start.

If I look at it and read it, it will be clear that it is not clear what is written in the end. Just fill in an article about my disorganized condition to get something to write about. In fact, it is still forced to write what is being felt. Tired, lazy, helpless, no idea, defenseless, crocked, powerless, strengthless, inert absurd, giddy, a pity to miss, useless, no purpose, but still imposing, very forced, and bla bla bla bla.

Yes, this is a form of the word human limitation. Nothing is perfect, nothing is permanent, nothing is permanent, nobody knows what will happen and nobody knows where to go next. Just try, try, hope, and pray that there will always be a way of deadlock and protection to be able to get through every condition humans face.


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Written by
2 years ago


Yeah positive results are source of happiness and inspiration. When we get output ,it encourages us to work hard.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I don’t write untill I feel motivated about that article. It's like feeling an inspiration for it from inside.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Try to write various topics. I've saved your articles and will modify n use in IELTS writing section. You're a king level writer

$ 0.02
2 years ago

@Alther as for writing , it is a passion and better not struggling for money. Let it come naturally. we can say that if we do it with love , we win more.

$ 0.00
2 years ago