Optimistic and Pessimistic

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2 years ago

Maybe these are two sides of human nature that are opposite each other, coming to convince the problem of the consequences of the results being successful or not. However, it cannot be equated with the calculation of the level of probability or probability. Because this is a form of character and attitude, it is not a matter of right or wrong in the world of mathematics.

Image by Mariana Anatoneag from Pixabay 

The basic strengthening of belief makes a person believe in what is his point of view, which gives birth to procedures for drawing conclusions and the formation of steps for what then becomes a guide in his outlook on life. Indeed, it can be born from various kinds of things, of course, which are often present in the form of opinions, procedures, or predictions made based on thoughts or outside thoughts.

Optimism is the nature of being sure that his thoughts will produce something useful, even though at one point he experiences errors or does not match what his thoughts produce. Meanwhile, Pessimists tend to always have a greater doubt which results in thinking that failure is greater than success.

If we ask both of them which one is better, of course, the optimist is better than the pessimist, but it is possible for the pessimist to give better things than the optimist. Because the problem of results or consequences is a benchmark that will ultimately be the answer key for both. Then how do take the best way between the two to be used as an option in order to produce the best results based on what we want?

Could it be the best answer to go back to learning, understanding, and knowing? Learn about the subject matter that is being optimized or pessimized, understands the conditions for what is being optimized and what is being pessimized, and know what to be optimistic about or pessimistically about. So that the rounding is again awareness of human nature that is intelligent and has a noble character. Why is there a noble word, because the noble context certainly manifests the value of truth and goodness in the ultimate goal of everything.

Things that have noble values ​​or goals will contain goodness, contain gratitude, provide protection, are humble on the basis of shame, and prioritize the interests of the people over personal interests. This means that it can be concluded that both optimism and pessimism have an element of goodness, which means that the glory in it will give good results between these two things. To be optimistic or pessimistic as long as it is aimed at good means it will not harm.


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Written by
2 years ago


Being optimistic has always been a trademark I had since I was a teenager, I prefer believing all things could be done, until I final knew it wasn't possible and it has help me a lot in my career.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

But, it seems, it's better to be optimistic. The positive state increases the confidence in the person and is reflected in the others around you!

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Very good explanation between both this world. I am always optimistic but rarely do I feel pessimistic. When I become sad or depressed rarely.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

We might become pessimistic sometimes but we shouldn't dwell too long there. We should try as much as possible to always look on the bright side of life.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Omptimistic is always my choice to do something good but even if we don't want, still become pessimistic in life.

$ 0.02
2 years ago