The most advanced production ever, Humans. Let's ask the great scientists and thinkers/inventors whose names are worldwide, can he create humans exactly like the original? No.
If experts from various fields can we take as examples such as physics, chemistry, biology, even if they collaborate, is it possible to create humans?
Humans are formed from various complex components whose attachments are beyond reason. The work process between one component and another is super complicated. The resulting program is a very detailed program.
So we can say that humans are the most advanced products in the universe?
It is not difficult to find the most advanced products in the universe. Just look in the mirror, and find the reflection it reflects. Yes, we are the closest example of that sophistication. But just like Gadgets, no matter how sophisticated... if the signal is weak, then it's useless.
Any sophisticated gadget, with any latest technology in it, is completely useless if it cannot be used to communicate due to a weak signal. No matter the other advantages such as toughness, being able to survive in water, a thin body, etc., when the signal is weak.. all the sophistication of these Gadgets will fail to be chosen, in other words, fail to impress.
So what is that signal for us? Where is the Gadget signal usually very weak?
Wherever the gadget's signal weakens, the principle is the same: the gadget is not reached by the transmission or satellite service provider that we use. So the signal on our gadget is weak, not because the signal is completely lost, it could be on another gadget, with the same provider, maybe there is a signal, even strong. It's about the position of our Gadget can reach or connect to the server or not.
The server is central. as a control point. So, who is controlling us? Is it yourself? How proud I am to dare to say that. Is this self just like that? Then, who is the creator?
God, Creator of the heavens, the earth, and everything in between. He is the ruler of all affairs. He is the giver of sustenance. He is our programmer, our creator, our creator, our producer. So our signal strength depends on how close we are to the server.
Who? He is the God who created the universe.
This signal is associated with peace of mind. The more unobstructed anything, the stronger the signal. So the closer to God, the calmer and more peaceful we are. A simplicity is logical, if the self is not feeling calm, full of worries, it can be likened to an example of a weak self-signal state. So in the presence of a weak signal, it is inappropriate to blame the server. The server is fixed, functions optimally, and isn't going anywhere. What is certain to move is the object, whether it is moving away or being blocked.
God never goes away, because He is closer even than the closest person to us. This can be interpreted as who actually stays away? How can stay away? So that by introspecting in that anxiety, are their things that make one's existence away. About negligence, omission, or other things. So that the presence of the signal weakens and seems to be blocked by something that adds to the weakness of the presence of a good or strong signal.
Move our heart to always be grateful... even if the signal is still weak. Not to be lost. Because you can lose everything, hopefully, there is still faith, so keep it safe. If we lose faith or belief in God, then as much as we have, everything is useless. Like a sophisticated gadget without a signal. It means the same as a Lost signal.
Actually, this article represents advice for myself. Many times feel a weak signal. That often happens when it happens does not immediately introspect, but over and overlooks for other reasons.
Comparison of human being to sophisticated gadgets is interesting. The signal gets weak due to lack of communication. Trust in Almighty is a must.