New Moon New Hope

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Hope, Write, Mindset, Crypto, Bitcoincash, ...

Of course, many are very inflamed, patient, and also hopeful of the conditions that occurred last May. How could I not, the month of May became the month of so many events that were very disturbing, especially in terms of the economy. And for the crypto world, who said it wasn't affected, even the month of May was the worst month experienced by crypto lovers.

Today entered the month of June, and a glimmer of hope will flow again the word of hope. Hopefully, the time that happened in May has ended and it doesn't continue this month. Yes, that's the hope every time. Always come up with a better hope of course. The end of May gave a little breath to be able to breathe, although it did not provide full relief from what was expected. But at least there is an improving movement in terms of the market in the crypto market.

Happy, sad, bad, and hard we often feel one after another in life. Likewise, the number of meetings and partings is a necessity that everyone must have experienced. A choice certainly requires sacrifice and consequences. How the barrage of events that happened, created chaos, lost confidence, was unexpected, and also created many new plots. In the end, being patient is the key. That's the world, talking about the global economy will certainly experience ups and downs that occur. Indiscriminately, will have an impact on everyone.

Image by Okan Caliskan from Pixabay 

If we look at the conditions that occurred last May, so many things experienced a drastic decline of minus fifty percent, and some even experienced total bankruptcy. Not to mention coupled with the bad news that happened. And this is not very expected. New month, new hope. Not just hoping for a miracle but hopefully, this June will improve, and if possible hope for better. Although the condition is still taking a deep breath, hope is created.

Hopefully this month more and more people will see the existence of crypto adoption, especially Bitcoin Cash. Not just pursuing values ​​(although it is necessary) but rather looking at the context of the vision and mission. Because it all comes back to who and how, in the end, it will put the value where it should be. Not because of the value, then move into who and how. So the hope of placing the word welfare will be possible and can be implemented.

Memories, yes, like memories entering a new chapter in life, forgetting the bitter times. Making the basis for valuable lessons not to be caught in the same or even more difficult incident later. What comes of course has a reason not without reason. As time goes by, in that span there will be stories.


$ 8.18
$ 7.54 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.07 from @Majid-43
$ 0.06 from @Ling01
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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Hope, Write, Mindset, Crypto, Bitcoincash, ...


I feel so excited about June. I feel very positive to have June in my life. I wanna make it more productive than may. I achieved more last month but I targeting June differently. But I always say Alhamdulillah for everything. Almighty blessed us with a new month, so this is upon us to make it productive and valuable. Thanks for supporting me brother and admiring my articles. This motivation led me to be more punctual here.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Keep pursuing your goals and for sure, you will achieve it or getting higher that what is expected. Hello June and be good to us.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Make the journey of the new month very bright, Hopefully the new moon will be over soon. Like the ebb and flow of our life, the ups and downs are normal. As human beings, it is better to be patient.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Welcome new month, goodbye May, hopefully next year we will see you again. Hopefully June will be more friendly with us.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yeah pursing a great thing always hard to execute. Because we all know that every single success needs efforts

$ 0.02
2 years ago