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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Facts, Mindset, Write, Writing, Freewrite, ...

Grown-up, will he be able to walk hand in hand with you, O age, and will today be just a choice? We will get it soon..., I'm getting older every day. But it is not a reason or self-limiting to continue to learn and be able to organize themselves.

Indeed, there is nothing wrong with us, you or also from me, because that is a fact and a fact in life that there will always be old and there is young. But I realized again, will it be because of this age that is increasing, basically what demands maturity? Or is it because my conscience whispers that I am still or young and have no right to grow up?? Or is it my self-will that chooses me not to grow up?

Today you may be "old", maybe tomorrow it could be me, you, him, us, you, or them because "Old is Definitely" as long as we are still given the opportunity to feel the coming of old age.

Image by John Hain from Pixabay 

Everyone knows that the youngest being born to earth is a baby who just 1 second ago came out of a mother's womb, so basically if anyone thinks we feel the youngest it means it's just an assumption of a taste or desire or fear of being eaten age until finally, that view curbs our potential to try to think maturely, wisely, and bring out our souls, men and your grace, O women. Don't lock yourself up in such a childish state. We will never know when the Angel of Death will come to pick us up. So don't let us regret it in the end because we never become adults. To become an adult is not a time worth waiting for, there is no need to wait for years, or just follow and see based on the environmental conditions as young and old as we or they are, so it only creates an attitude of compulsion to become an adult which means only pretending to be an adult. Adulthood is not just an option, there is no cost and everyone has the right to be an adult, right?

Adults with old age are also different in reality because many are found in this life who are old but do not act like adults. On the contrary, those who are still young are able to act like adults. Most of the time when viewed in the context of "OLD" language, it scares some people, especially women. However, it is possible that men are also afraid of being called old Sudanese. Various kinds of things or efforts are made to look always young or not old. It's not wrong but it's also not good to reject nature, because the fear will make you more likely to do things that aren't worth doing than the thought of being accepting and growing up.

Sometimes the age factor makes us forget our existence, we need ourselves to respond and be an example for younger people. So the attitude and character of maturity are needed. And consciously unconsciously everyone enters this phase, the old once became young, the young will become old too later. Life in the environmental corridor, as the smallest scope is the existence of the household. Where parents are required to become adults and sometimes act childishly to maintain the stability of existence, how much attitude is needed for the continuation of family conditions. Because talking about attitudes and traits will certainly affect a person's psychological existence in the future.

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Facts, Mindset, Write, Writing, Freewrite, ...


Maturity has nothing to do with our age. There are a lot people who are young but their life, their hardships had forced them to act like mature. We need to nurture every single moment, our life is uncertain. We do not know when we have to leave our body in this world.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

I feel like the aspect of aging has had a bad rep for a long time in this new society and it should be embraced.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Another very nice interesting post found. Yes we don't know when or where our life end, cherish your time as you grow.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

The cycle of life, it is not reversible, unfortunately, whether it's maturity or old age. Take everything from life and every day! We live once and no one knows when it's "time to go"

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Life is a cycle and we should never fear aging. It is naturald inevitable. That's why, we are always told to explore and enjoy life as young as we are

$ 0.05
2 years ago

You're as magnificent as ever. Yeah we don't know when angel of death will come and pick up so.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

It is never a good thing to try cheating nature, we must let the old age come and not fight it.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

There are so many wise facts here. For one maturity can't be truly measured according to age. I love your point of view here in using the word youngest and old

$ 0.05
2 years ago

As always, great writing dear friend 👌 In an apple tree, apples that are more exposed to the sun, ripen sooner and apples that are in the shade have a longer rawness, this sunlight for apples can be exactly the same environmental conditions for humans. A person reaches maturity in hardships...

$ 0.05
2 years ago