Lunc, Doge, Shib is better than LN

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1 year ago

Lightning Network which was appointed as the answer to the need for transaction speed is not the answer when talking about the network. Double is equal to a new creation but instead risks counterfeiting and duplicating the form of the game. Although it is always said that there is no possibility, it means that it is possible.

Image by David Mark from Pixabay 

Lighting Networks is just a service not part of bitcoin, if they say it is the answer or development of Bitcoin then Luna Classic is still better even though it fall out, even Doge is even better than Lighting Networks even though it's just a meme coin, and Shiba was still able to build a new network even if it only comes from the Ethereum network. It's like the answer has clear prospects and goals and the courage to compete against oneself.

Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay 

A service is like a third party that can manipulate all substantial evidence to be between the first party and the second party. And third parties can be called only as witnesses but act as brokers, even though third parties should act as services that are purely serving services, not being able to determine whether it is valid or not.

A network in one layer can be said to be trusted for proving its truth, if it has changed if shape into two layers, it is the same as a double layer which can be questioned for the validity of which concrete evidence is actually the truth. Since the presence of the bitcoin layer, it has become increasingly unclear about the condition of the layer itself because it has given birth to a double bitcoin layer. So is it worth mentioning as part of the cryptocurrency?

Image by Maicon Fonseca Zanco from Pixabay 

Sometimes so many problems that stand from a single entity become a problem and are questioned about their courage and purpose. Imagine if it changed shape from one unit between two, or two in one. This means that it is the same as having branches and the possibility of one of the branches ending up in a deadlock or even misleading.

But don't need to be justified, this is just an expression and my own opinion without wanting to divide and hurt. This freedom is just a personal opinion, not to invite or deserve to be followed. Because the truth really only comes from God and all mistakes come from humans themselves. May we all always be protected from mistakes and evil in the world. And also hopefully protected from lightning strikes that are created.


$ 17.06
$ 16.46 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.25 from @pajeroz
$ 0.05 from @gertu13
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Written by
1 year ago


I have no idea about this but it is good that you present your view so we can learn from it.

$ 0.02
1 year ago