Like the killer cleaned it thoroughly

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2 years ago
Topics: Write, Freewrite, Danger, Slander, Killer, ...

Have you ever heard that slander is crueler than murder? I think everyone hears that phrase a lot. What has oftentimes been interpreted as the danger of slander that is spoken because there is no real evidence or it is simply aimed at bringing down someone through words and diversion of the word truth.

If everything is carried out according to the purpose by someone who slanders an opponent or person who is a rival, then there will be a way to continue to create things that can erase or slander so that it will not be exposed or smell the scent of slander that it creates.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Like the killer cleaned it thoroughly, closing all the gaps in the details of the existence of slander that is carried out so that no one can detect it which according to the slanderer can endanger their existence in the future. That's usually the procedure is trying to be done, creating its own scenario of diversion for what has happened, in the hope of closing the real truth.

Defamation can happen anywhere. From a small environment like a family, friendship, association, or community, even to the national level of a country. Where this happens will be due to the presence of envy, competition, greed, and hatred. Polemics have often happened and can affect anyone who lives in this world without exception. Why is it often described as more terrible than murder because the results created from one's own slander are indeed vile and can kill in the true sense of the word?

Likewise, if we open the pages of historical records, it is not once or twice recorded the ferocity of the danger of slander that has occurred or was created. There are so many victims who are affected by the problem of slander, where it is not he who does it but becomes the one who is blamed or until he is hated by people who do not know the truth that actually happened.

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

But another fact is that the slander that occurs, even though it is hidden or made in such a way that it cannot be smelled or hidden neatly, will be revealed slowly with the passage of time. Where there is the role of the power and promise of the Almighty who can be said to be the justest and unrivaled King by anyone whose justice. As the saying goes, no matter how smart someone saves a carcass, the smell will also be smelled.

Slander is a crime that can be said to look small or ordinary but the consequences are big. Showing the danger of the tongue, which is rightly said, the tongue can be compared to the sharpness of a razor. Can slash slowly, slice, and even chop off the head of someone who is slandered.

What can be concluded from the existence of slander is to only take refuge and always pray in order to avoid the danger of slander itself. And also hopefully can maintain the behavior as a person who can create slander. Hopefully, this can be a constant reminder of the dangers of slander that can be done by anyone without exception to me or you. Only the power of God can protect us from the danger of slander.


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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Write, Freewrite, Danger, Slander, Killer, ...
