Keep spirit

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1 year ago

Sometimes in life, there are times when we feel unheard, ignored, alone, useless, and even feel we never want to be created. The feeling when faith decreases as if its existence is ignored. Where all the efforts and prayers, none of it feels like it will come true for what is expected.

No matter how much you ask, no one gets what you expect, even though you have tried your best with the efforts made. Even the smallest things are not granted for what is needed when you need it.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay 

We don't know how long and why it became like that. In the end, there are prejudices and thoughts, perhaps it is the realization that what should be realized is what is the use of praying, while the reality is that what is asked of the most requested will be granted. Isn't it that a sinner will never deserve to be granted and be given pleasure, let alone peace, like believers who deserve to be granted all their prayers? No matter how strong you feel small and broken, it's still useless. It's only getting worse. Because that is the reality that will happen to sinners.

Not comparing anyone, of course, has been in this position. Because this is the fact that we are human. If it doesn't exist or has ever been present, it can be said that it might not be a human race, meaning that it could possibly be called a Jinn or an Angel.

But at least return to full awareness where belief in the greatness of God is not like what is in the human mind. Far and utterly unacceptable to reason and logic though. So only belief in one certainty of the greatness of God's nature above all. It will never be the same as human nature or other created beings.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

This means that complaining is natural, but don't let it go to the point of losing faith in God's power. Because we will never know why it is not granted or not as expected because it is clear that we are sure that it is not the time and even if it is granted it will bring a lot of badness to us. Why this is so, it is clear because it is from the form of God's power of secrets understood by Him and the greatness of His loving nature.

What is bad for us is not necessarily bad, in fact, it comes from Him. It could be without us knowing it actually comes from our own actions. Because it is clear where the intellect and knowledge are given for use in accordance with what was created. Coupled with the condition of the existence of morality.

Said tired, sick, anyone will feel it. Happy anyone would want to feel it. Don't surrender to destiny, but remember that you are still given the existence of a formation of fate. Where even though destiny cannot be changed, fate still provides a way to improve the existence of a predetermined destiny. Never feel small, because life is neither small nor big. Never feel humiliated, because life is not about humiliation or honor. Never feel alone, because life can never be lived if we are alone. Live life with confidence and determination that success will be achieved when the time comes. Be passionate about life.


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Written by
1 year ago


We just need to be with God always because he knows everything for us. Just keep faith in him.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Life is not always the same. Sometimes we go through a hard time and it feels like it will never change. Things change over time and we overcome the obstacles in life.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

God sees everything that happens to us. God is aware of it all. One thing I do is, give thanks to God for life❤️

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Thats why kids nowadays, I always guide them and encourage them to play outside hang out with kids in the neighborhood, play with them, make friends, you cant be alone at home forever with your phone, NO MAN IS AN ISLAND

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Everything has a reason to tell so we must just trust the flow and we will gonna find the answers

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Be passionate about life. Okey.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

It is truly God who has the control of everything.

What we may be feeling right now has reasons why, and instead of running away from it, let's embrace it.

$ 0.02
1 year ago