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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Write, Freewrite, Dumb

Katro is not a good and correct Indonesian language, but it is an idiom used as a reference for someone who is in a state of not being able to think clearly. If it is used in the language of friendship or association, it may be normal, but if it is used with a broad connotation, it is not appropriate to use it.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

So I apologize in advance if the language used is not well-spoken or I use it this time for writing this time.

I'm just describing the state of my mind, which is not thinking clearly. Can't find one or a good word to be the subject of writing this time. Maybe if the writer's language in the world writes writer's block, they say. But what is clear is that I am stuck with the thoughts that are running through my head because of the unfriendly weather conditions where I live today. It will definitely look forced and forced in the end, let the most important thing be that it can produce as a fill scribble today.

Without realizing it, we have entered the day before Ramadan, soon we Muslims around the world will carry out the fasting month worship which is highly awaited by us as Muslims. Hopes and dreams are still many and continue to be created of course. Is it possible to become a better person or are you still struggling against everything that becomes your own lust?

Become Katro, even though it was said that previously was not Katro. That's right, it means feeling better means before. Wow, this has become arrogance in itself without realizing it. Even though humans do not really know themselves, especially for me personally not you who read this article. Confused, inflamed, empty spread out, cold ambush, hot roaring. Die is reluctant to live wants to be good. This mess is me. Sorry, once again, can't be controlled, but don't get me wrong, Maybe just confused.

Without cause, without cause, what is it called? Which language and I don't know what it means. Though it should be if worried, just say worried, if in tired, just say tired, if crazy is dry, just say crazy. Obviously though. But don't want to admit, shame is used as an excuse when using bad language, why not be ashamed? Strange bin lizards are my current thinking world. But one thing that is convenient is when writing in your own language it feels more fun and conveys the truth, than using a foreign language which is actually foreign to me. The translator has not been able to represent the right words, it seems, and in the end, this is how it turns out. Even though it was clear because of my inability to speak a foreign language.

But please understand okay, it's clear once again to be in Katro thinking. In fact, just kept forcing myself to write. If it's bad, please forgive and don't take an example, throw it away and consider an attempt by someone who is on the way to sanity thinking to learn better into the world of writing that is getting more and more tempting every time.


Previously published on Hive in Indonesia language.

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Avatar for Alther
Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Write, Freewrite, Dumb


I think I am in a Katro situation right now my friend.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Can I just say that I'm having Katro moment after taking the decision of quitting my job & start a new one? Well, I'm feeling much better.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

permit me to say that my thinking has been in a state of Katro for the past few days.. I can't think straight due to one thing- the heat, it's killing me.. Lol!

$ 0.02
2 years ago


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2 years ago