For The Words

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2 years ago

Indecisive, sometimes there will be a time when you need an explanation or an answer to a question. But sometimes there are also questions that are impossible to answer or describe for good. If you are still asking for who that word good is described, maybe the answer is for both parties, for who asking and who is questioned.

The world of blogging, especially for writers and readers, will tell a lot more than the world of entertainment industries such as television. Whereas the industrial world prioritizes more entertaining things, reporting viral news, or just stories and gossip from the individuals in the entertainment world.

In the world of blogging, we have the freedom to have a variety of themes, and there are even things we won't find in a normal life that is exposed and reported. Where in this world we can find a variety of writings about fictional stories and real experiences of a person. Even though it's just a piece of writing, it represents a lot of things that are usually not attached and are ignored.

Image by StarzySpringer from Pixabay 

About life, maybe, there will be more and more presents. Become a lesson for everyone who reads it, or just a review of things contained in the life of the industrial world itself. Like reviews of films, books, tourist attractions, or other things. It will be much more presented and become input for everyone who wants to know more about it. Like the crypto world or the social media world that is so dominant today. Of course, to get more and more adequate information, it can be said that the blogging world is the right choice to pursue the information.

So if it can be said as in the title of this article "for the word", maybe it can provide an answer to the meaning contained in it. Of course for those who need it. Because every word that is made and included in every existing writing from a media or non-media seems to have been available and indeed provided based on their needs.

Arguments, debates, views, and other things are just a created form. But for sure the information will always be in it. Then there is a question what if stuck to the wrong or useless thing? I guess the definitive answer is to keep looking to find out what's good and what's not. Sometimes it's appropriate and not appropriate, isn't it present ourselves based on the pattern we live in. The overlapping of thoughts is the result of existing egoism.

Outside of egoism, sometimes there is a tendency of similarity, or one frequency so that you find the cockiness of everything that exists. Make a narrative, formation, and discussion similar to what is sought or liked. If it is compared to everyday life, you continue to learn, increase knowledge, and increase understanding. Looking for lots of references to increase understanding, so that thinking is richer. Because sometimes they feel they don't need to know much, just enough to understand is different.


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2 years ago
