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Written by
2 years ago


All I know is that you're still alive, but somehow I didn't contact you. But I wonder, how do you live without us? After all, your life is none of my business anymore, it shouldn't be something I have to worry about. But what about them. Who still has a relationship, business, and responsibility with you?


Sorry, we must go on living without you. I don't know if it's your opinion or theirs that my efforts were successful or not. But we are still grateful to be given what it is to live and do things that we think are good. Even though in the past we felt that we couldn't live without you, as proof we can still breathe and live life until now. We hope you will by now.


I have to admit sometimes I'm still curious about your life. I'm sorry if that can be annoying or not to your liking. I don't know if I'm still in love or just lacking someone to think about. But don't worry, I'm trying to suppress my curiosity. There's no need to give an answer that will make me infatuated, let alone go back to feeling what love I've ever felt.


Sometimes when we pass something, do something, see something, that brings us back to our memories. It's sad because it's just a memory. It's nice to know that there are still good things that we can remember about you. Yes, we want only good memories of past times with you.


Those who know of our existence may blaspheme against you, those who know of your existence may blaspheme against us. But there are also those who do not care about the existence of me, them, and you, and maybe there will also be introspection so that they are not like us. There are also those who empathize and hope for the best. Such is the world, and such is the journey of life. Hate and longing are indeed one. Love and pain cover each other.


Tonight let me pray, to be brought near when I go, or to be separated without any more curiosity. If you can find them, accept them, and give them the love they have never felt before. Because every time I ask them, who do they want to be your successor by my side and when I'm not there who they are looking for, you are the only answer from them that comes out first.

If you ask what about me? Looks like it's still the same as them, you.


Don't get carried away and don't get carried to the bottom of the heart this is just a journey, story, and joke for us, maybe only someone with some facts will understand what meaning of this.

Although I'm actually always still curious about your heart.


Cover Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay 

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Written by
2 years ago


The title make me curious as well. This lines hit me hard, "It's sad because it's just a memory. It's nice to know that there are still good things that we can remember about you. Yes, we want only good memories of past times with you". I remember one person in my life that treasure memories and happenings. I am now in my point of life that memories hits me hard, it makes me cry when i remember those things happened.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I will be forever curious with our life and the life of others because that's we are alive for. No matter what that's our nature as a human who exist in these word..

$ 0.03
2 years ago

The various colors of life that occur sometimes do not match expectations, even with someone who is around us or those closest to us, sometimes those we never know actually give a word that maybe we have been looking for to find out how we should behave. In fact, the people we know closely give a very real emphasis. What is the meaning of closeness all this time, what is the meaning of the smile he has given all this time, what is the meaning of a helping hand all this time, helping to become a disaster for us like? It's like eating and then we throw up the food again, does it mean anything? May we all always be around good and sincere people. I'm also still curious about all this

$ 0.02
2 years ago

son las reflexiones las que nos enseñan los cambios que debemos hacer y cual es nuestro papel en la película de la vida, la creatividad siempre va a estar en nosotros, solo necesitamos un lugar como read para expresarnos.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Nicely put together! I'd like to know the inspiration behind this ..

$ 0.02
2 years ago