Cultural Legacy

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Written by
2 years ago

Cultural Legacy, is a legacy of the past, and it is not an inanimate object in the library, but is an element of culture, awareness of thinking, and potential that lives, and harbors the responsibility of the next generation. If everything quoted is in harmony with the argumentative basis, the way humans think, or the way humans view an issue so that everyone can also define that Cultural Legacy is a point of view that forms a world-view to be able to guide future generations.

The problem with Cultural Legacy is the perspective on people who have the status quo, both religious power and political power who use religious tools. From this, it can be said that the way of thinking and the way to respond to Cultural Legacy is unconsciously driven by those who have power or the status quo. In the sense that he has the status quo, he does not want other people to exceed his capacity which gives rise to the possibility of replacing him, so he has been unconsciously oppressed by the status quo treatment that makes him obey without argument. So from here, the word revolution was created, starting with the way in religion and the way we respond to the Cultural Legacy which is a legacy from the past. Based on this, it is necessary to address the law, which law, and which is backwardness.

Traditional societies regard tradition as a constant source of inspiration and consider it final and the only one that cannot be denied. Meanwhile, modern society considers tradition to be no longer a source of value and power. Because the assumption is outdated and irrelevant in this modern era. Puritans and conservatives respond to old traditions with reaffirmation, which means trying to bring back the original culture of the past to be applied literally and even brutally in the current era. So to respond to classical treasures with the reformation means that they try to explore the classical heritage and try to reconstruct the basics of their epistemology to be relevant to contemporary life.

For example, in reconstructing the concept of aqidah (faith), it is not a medium for debating God between his nature and essence, between law, and so on. But as a strength and inspiration to liberate humans from various oppressions and tyranny. In short, aqidah must be a motivator and the basis for generating social transformation movements. The goal is that because humans are formed upward or at a vertical level, they must be believed in absolute ways, then with these provisions, so can make strength and inspiration to fight at the horizontal, social, and cultural level aimed at justice and the benefit of society.

Seeing the problem of haram law on crypto which is pinned by the scholars on the basis of the law, theoretically, it is required to need a clear and unobstructed theological concept in the midst of a global struggle between various ideologies. Second, the importance of a real and realistic new theology in the form of theology as a movement in history that has the goal of solving poverty and underdevelopment in Muslim countries. The use of knowledge that used to be only for knowledge now has to reorient its uses and benefits according to the problems that are around us. The concept of the benefits of science to combat ignorance, decline, and backwardness of the people, especially for their weak economic existence in the community so that they are able to change them from one phase to another, in the sense of being able to change them from stagnant to dynamic, from descending to progress in history. So to realize this problem, of course, it is necessary to re-examine based on the formation of a legal basis that has postulated according to its purpose, not just because of the law.

No disrespect for the law, but because recently, seeing how easy it is to spread law (fatwa) handed down to the people without a clear explanation, it is also the core meeting point of the fatwa being issued. Because the law of worship without evidence (Qur'an and hadiths) is haram, and crypto issues can be seen depending on whether it is used for good or evil. If it is used to produce haram products or haram services, then the products are haram (unlawful). If it is used to produce halal products or halal service, then the product can still be halal.


This is just a point of view based on personal opinion. Because opinions are stated in the law, it is permissible to be more careful in dealing with law for knowledge (from a religious point of view according to my personal belief). Not inviting and not up for debate. (15-11-21 , 5.27 WIB)

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Written by
2 years ago


The cultural legacy that passes from generation to generation is present in many cultures, but also the cryptocurrency revolution is something that has been unstoppable despite many questions, has undoubtedly changed paradigms and has had a historical impact on the world economy and will continue to have. Time will tell if these societies end up accepting cryptocurrencies as something for the common good.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I am not saying any thing about law or fatwa as i am too week to comment on this. But if we look at the history then you will see that downfall of Muslims as started by a fatwa against printer. In the west it was the source of renaissance and for us a source of destruction. Moreover, biggest problem is that there is a big difference between religious education and our schooling system that leads to such things. I can guess that after 5 years, we will be searching for crypto and the world would be away ahead us.........

$ 0.02
2 years ago

How could I agree more! When I was reading the fatwa yesterday, it made me thought there would be other ways. Crypto can be a solution for so many things like you said. But as usual, without making some path so we can follow, they just said it's Haram. Now feel guilty for the rest of your life.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Fatwa has now become the easier way to spread one's little knowledge. They think they know everything and that's the reason people started questioning. Shameful act.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Times are changing and advancing. Some cultures can not be held in these times. When this cultures were made, things weren't so advanced and developed

$ 0.02
2 years ago

@ Alther, really nice posts am new, really like your posts. this is a reminiscence of our forgotten culture

$ 0.02
2 years ago