Contrast of Facts

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2 years ago

There are many things in this world that actually happen, but it is clear that all the facts that have happened have been reversed. If we count the number of incidents, it is very large and can be said to have violated all provisions based on the principles of civilized humanity and have ravaged Human Rights.

Image by Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay 

This does not occur at the limit of one species, but the various structural forms of the variety that exist. In terms of economy, religion, politics, culture, and also other things that actually intersect with the system of human life in the world today.

The media as the basis for delivering news is one of the most up-to-date weapons as a form of shaping the image of lies into truth and truth into error.

Who is in charge? Who started? Who taught this foundation? Who still does this kind of thing? No one can answer this one problem, the reflection only goes back to each creature to want to realize which one is good and which one actually has to be conveyed. Realizing, not looking for blame or blaming an individual who must be responsible. Because blaming is easier than justifying a subject that is distorted by the existence of facts.

Not liking is not necessarily cursing what we don't like. Disagreeing does not have to corner those who have different views. Not knowing doesn't mean it's stupid to say you don't understand. Everything should be based on knowledge, faith, patience, humanity, and also awareness.

Greed, fear, and power. Want to be rich by all means, want to feel safe and comfortable by justifying any means, and wants to be in power so that he can do as he pleases. But is it true that if all has been achieved will get everything he wants? Will it really stay out of trouble? Will it really be worshipped? Is it true to be afraid? Will it really be protected? Will it really be happy? Will it really last forever? What is stepped on is still the same soil as the others which is actually the basic material for which he was created. What is eaten is actually the same as being thrown away. What is owned is the same and can never be taken to death.

Badmouthing one or the other, will it make it clear to everyone that he is the best? Denying or forbidding something that is right, will it be intimidating and enforce that it won't be done? Taking a nonchalant attitude, is it true that there will be no feeling someday? The question that arises in the end from the millions of questions present is, is it wrong to be a civilized human being?


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Written by
2 years ago


In this diverse world, people are constantly thinking about beautiful house for people, beautiful environment, places of interest, all the good deeds for the good of the people, talking about all the things, sadly, what is really happening in this world is a terrible consequence! The above is a good example of damage to the sleeves! Which really makes the heart city. This word of yours is very valuable. Realizing, not looking for blame or blaming an individual who must be responsible. Because blaming is easier than justifying a subject that is distorted by the existence of facts. Knowledge of everything faith should be based on patience humanity and conscious. The important of these worlds to me is immense.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I just want to comment on that line where you mentioned about "disagreeing" does not mean cornering one but it should be about respecting their own personal views, and embrace it.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It all boils down to greed, wanting more and consuming more. If only we can learn to be content and not only think of ourselves but for the benefit of all.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Simple life is best life. Where no more tension and some extra dramas. Greed is bad for soul and personality.

$ 0.02
2 years ago