Community is a side of civilization

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1 year ago

The family is the smallest part of the parent of a community based on heredity or it can also be said to be the hereditary fabric of humans. Outside of the family, we know the interweaving of the relationship between each other.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

In getting to know the form of interweaving between each other, various forms of community that we have known a lot such as from the formation of race, religion, nation, and other things. From the smallest to the largest form of the community, many of them provide a variety of relics and works that are so great for the survival of mankind.

An inventor or thinker represents the individuality of his existence. Meanwhile, a group/community represents a collection of ideas from several people who are members of it. Communities are used for representatives of a group to make clear the meaning of the purpose for which the grouping was created. Because the word group can happen anytime and anywhere but most do not have a clear reference or purpose. A side of civilization born in a community today is the birth of a diversity of structures on the issue of similarity of likes, thoughts, or ideas, which are commonly said to mean in line.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay 

From the similarities that exist, there are various forms of community variety which in the end are very influential in the pattern of human life. The progress of the times, the progress of culture, the progress of intellectualization values, and so on. This in turn leads to the meaning of grouping based on a certain characteristic, more open and more revealing of the safety of the factor as a human being is created. Which can be said to erode the negative side of the word group that was common in the past.

A community is always open to anyone who wants to join it regardless of the language from which it comes, who you are, what color your skin is, what your beliefs are, or whether or not you are rich. Those who feel that there is a commonality of ideas, similarities in hobbies, or other things can easily enter the word community.

Perhaps this side that gives a positive meaning will often be used the word community is more likely to be used than the word group or legion. Which basically gives more clarity to the meaning of the grouping it was made of. If there is a conflict, it will be accepted as a difference of opinion that can be taken as a verdict by the person concerned.

In addition to the community being created also gives a statement of how clearly human beings need each other. As a social creature who turns out to be unable to live alone let alone want to win by himself. It provides a good lesson that the nature of human egoism can be suppressed or understood. So that it presents the existence of mutual understanding. Community is a side of civilization, it is natural and really wise if the community is said to be a civilization. Because what can be said of civilization is something that provides more positive values than negative values. Civilized or not that is what distinguishes humans from other living creatures.


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Written by
1 year ago


People live in society. So you have to interact and socialize with the people of the society. Our Bengalis are called hybrid caste. We are more governed by our society.

$ 0.02
1 year ago

I've figure it out one thing. People can't live without community. It's coming from our ancestors

$ 0.02
1 year ago

Then what about all the users on this platform? Can they all be said to be a community?

$ 0.02
1 year ago