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2 years ago

Usually, self-actualization shows extraordinary achievements in life. But as time goes on, we can feel that even small things can become extraordinary achievements for every human being. So many simple things can be a means of self-actualization. And make a sign that we still love ourselves. Can appreciate every little process that goes through. Many simple things we can make as a challenge or a reminder as a means for self-actualization.

As humans, complaining is something that we often do without realizing it. But from this small thing, even if it is only a complaint from the heart if taken on the side of goodness, it will remind us of the existence of gratitude. When we complain about the situation, we are shown or met with something in front of our eyes that there are other people's lives that are more difficult than ours.

So that it allows us to let go of the complaints that are created to become a sense of gratitude for the existence that has been given by God. On the other hand, it will even bring shame. Yes, shame. Shame on God for complaining and forgetting that the reality is that there are other people's lives that are much more difficult than what we complain about.

Image by Ylanite Koppens from Pixabay 

Indeed, sometimes, each of us humans is faced with such conditions, and we cannot possibly deny it. Because otherwise, we will only focus on the problems we feel lack, will only forget many other things that actually only make us uncomfortable and sad to the point of forgetting how much more good things we should actually be grateful for. Interpreting all the many failures experienced into self-actualization to be more inclined to be grateful, try, and accept the circumstances that have occurred.

And although only a small number, this is the most amazing ability that God has given to humans. Consciousness.

From consciousness, we can adapt, adapt to ourselves, the environment, and other living things. So that as living beings we can be said to survive, continue life and live until the time that has been determined. Where there is a new beginning of the story, that's where the adaptation will immediately begin. We still have a long way to go or we have a little time left, we will still go through. Hopefully, you will be given the space to continue to accept and take every meaning as a guide in the process of life.

In this life, there will certainly be a sense of disappointment to see and feel what is in front of the eyes that is not in accordance with the wishes of the heart. There is a feeling of suffocation when thinking about what is expected to disappoint us. But that is not an endpoint. And as long as the endpoint is not yet real, don't ever give up hope to keep trying and reminding. If sweet dreams don't become the endpoint, don't be sad now, let alone drown in sadness, because it's just something that's been delayed. There will definitely be something, someone, somewhere, a story, a life story that is much more beautiful in the end.


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Written by
2 years ago


Exactly the things we are complain about are the blessings to some and prayed to get them. We should realize the importance of every little thing and change the mode of complaining into gratitude. We should try to be satisfied with what we have and does not regret about what we don't have

$ 0.02
2 years ago

sometimes someone judges that his life is not as lucky as other people because the blessings they value are different but when they see other people whose lives are worse than you what will we say. actually just be grateful for what we receive because the blessings we receive are not necessarily in the hands of others.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

If any of our dreams do not come true then it means that Allah (God) has to reward us with something more better. We just believe on God that he can do nothing with his servant.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I can say that our heart and mind get sad if we expect something and somehow we didn’t take that.But we should remember that something more good things waiting for us from GOD.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

This is so true. Before I used to complain on things that are happening in my life. I complain about this and that, but I realized that I'm still so blessed that even though I experienced stuff, my situation is far cry from those who have experiemced more difficulties than I am..With that, instead of complaining, I started to be more grateful.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

If you are a perfectionist person then yes, you'll always feel disappointed when you don't get the things you want. And if you are a patient person, you know that great things always takes time.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Not everything we get are our desired things. We soak in it and feel sad. But the Almighty knows what's better for us.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

It is really a disappointment that what our heart desires is not what will happen. However, we should always remember that if things are not how we expected it to be, for sure there's greater things going to happen..

$ 0.02
2 years ago