The Nigerian Girl 2

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3 years ago

The Nigerian Girl 1

The second stage of life begins; she is going over to the primary school. The Nursery graduation was a blast, in fact, mum had taken a whole lot of pictures of that day. Primary school begins with her not being able to grasp what her teacher had taught and then receiving five strokes of the cane for it. It also goes on with her making new friends and meeting people she may or may not like. Such is life. She gets home, takes her shower, and have lunch, next thing on her mind will be to play around the house or have some friends over to play with her. Time goes on with the days she performs terribly at school exams and her mom is really devastated and disappointed. The next thing that a typical Nigerian parent says is

"I sent you to school to be the best and not argue for the last position in your class, I paid your fees not for you to bring back bad results I expected nothing more than the best from you. Do you know when I was your age I always took the best position in class? In fact, I never fought for the first position with anyone"

and at that point, she begins to wonder

"if all parents took the first position while still in school then who took the last position cos obviously someone had to."

And the time she finally makes the decision to put in her best at school and make good results her mom as usual comes up again with that typical Nigeria mother speech

"you have done very well at school am so proud of you, just like back in the days I was good at school now you take after your father and I but you have not done well enough you still need to do better taking the first position is not a crime, okay!?, Children who are taking the first position in school don't have two heads or multiple brains"

And then she begins to wonder why all mothers are always like this. Primary school goes on with days she likely get bullied at school, or days she gets too lazy to do her house chores at home or even days her mom doesn't stop shouting;

"You this child you will not kill me in this house ooo... I didn't kill my parents, don't try my temper in this house."

After 6 years in primary school and a lot of memories made, life moves her on to the next stage, secondary school.

Secondary school comes with that "I'm now a big girl feeling". The best moment is the moment she is admitted into her most prized school, that moment really leaves a lot of girls feeling really happy; the thoughts of meeting new people, living in a boarding school, and dealing with its trials, memories, and complications.

The first advice her parents give concerning her idea of going to a boarding school is

"Make sure you take care of yourself and avoid troubles, mind your books ooo"

There, of to boarding school, she tries to mix in, make new friends and obviously new enemies and be in reading groups as well as friends gang where she gets to either be a leader or just a follower. In secondary school she also meets people that are often called "feel amongers" these set of people are actually the followers of a friend's gang that's if the leader actually fancies you to an extent, if not you just get to be the "notice me" of the class. In school, there are obviously the brainies, the dumbest, the fashionistas; even in school uniforms they still try to look better than others and then when there are activities they come out really noticed, well-dressed, enviable in fact this kind of people bring down the self-esteem you have left to show to the crowd. Did I forget to mention the boys who do not have a day complete without getting a girl angry? Boys are actually great friends although, they could get really frustrating in fact most times they enjoy purposely getting on your nerves, just for the fun of it!

During exam periods at school, she doesn't have a choice other than to read out her brains in her books just to attain a perfect position that keeps both her parents proud of and leaves her at a position that attains respect for her in class, a position that makes people envy her in class. Life in boarding school also revolves around breaking school rules; intentionally and unintentionally (rules don't belong to everyone) LOL. There are days at school when she just doesn't want to wake up when the rising bell has been rung or days when she misses classes for reasons she can't even explain, days she gets into a fight with her classmate over something trivial, days she ends up being rude to a Senior student simply because she just can't do what you are told to do. Social nights are usually fun at school but one doesn't really enjoy the fun till she has made it into the senior secondary school successfully, that's after she has passed her promotional examinations.

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Written by
3 years ago


Hi @Alpher:

I hope that the passage through the next stages of this lady is a lot of fun and that she learns many things!.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hi @Alpher:

A very good daily story, the experience we have since we were children It is truly unmatched and the way you have told it is excellent.

I hope that the passage through the next stages of this lady is a lot of fun and that she learns many things!.

Keep up your good work as long as I have time I will be reading you andvisiting you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hi @MicroReylatos Thank you for the continuous support. I will also visit you whenever I can.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thankyou my friend! 👍🏼

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice article compatriot. The typical Nigeria parents.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I'm a Nigerian and can relate to your story. Nigeria parents are always taking first positions during the school days. It makes me wonder who took 10th or even the last position.

Good story man.

$ 0.00
3 years ago