What's so special today?

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Avatar for AlphaCron
2 years ago
Date: February 7, 2022
Writer: AlphaCron

Warm greetings, amazing Read.Cash family!!!

Your Alpha is back again with another content after not being able to publish a blog entry yesterday. To tell you honestly, I wasn't in the mood to write something yesterday. In spite of that, I made sure that I would still be productive.

The main highlights of my day yesterday was, we did perform general cleaning. We declutter all the things in the house that we don't use anymore. On one hand, I did work on our thesis paper. I was able to edit out our questionnaire for our thesis project. In fact, I already submitted our questionnaire and the validation form to our panelists. Hopefully, they will return it as soon as possible so that if there's error in our questionnaire that needs to be fixed, we could fix it early. Undeniably, we are now on our last semester and with that said, we should manage our time efficiently. On the other hand, in the evening, I was busy decorating for my father's birthday.

Hey dear! Please check out my previous blog entitled, "R" stands for Random: Personal questions answered!"

By the way, here's the link.


As you may know already, today is my father's birthday. And so, we woke up early just to greet him. Not only our father is celebrating his birthday but also our Lolo (grandfather). Although he already passed away in 2020, we still commemorate his birthday. Actually here in the Philippines, we're still remembering and celebrating the birthdays of our late loved ones by visiting them at the cemetery to put flowers or food in their graves.

With that said, my father, my brother, and I went to the cemetery to pay visit to our late grandfather. That was around 7 in the morning. So we offered him flowers and a lighted candle as a sign of remembering his birthday. After that, we went to the large cross to offer candles to our loved ones who also passed away.

We managed to return home at quarter to 8 am. Since my brother has a work later, we decided to celebrate father's birthday in the morning. On the contrary, the foods were already prepared. We had birthday breakfast at 9. It's a casual celebration tho.


Closing Thoughts

At around 11 am, my brother and I left our beloved hometown to travel back home in another city.

There's no doubt that we celebrated the birthday of my dearest father in a simple way. What's more special is the fact that we got to celebrate this momentous day together.

I promise that in the future, we will celebrate our birthdays extravagantly. Although celebrating occasions like birthdays doesn't need to be extravagant, but you know what, it feels even more special if we experience it as well. We only celebrate our birthdays once in a year. With that said, may we get to spend our special day together with our loved ones, most especially our family.

And that concludes my blog for today. Hope you had a wonderful day today. By the way, see you guys on my next blog!

Lots of love from your resident AlphaCron<3

My beloved sponsors <3

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Avatar for AlphaCron
2 years ago


Belated happy birthday to you papa and indeed you celebrated it in a simple way but very memorable..

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks brother! Have a great day ahead!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happy birthday to your dad and to your lolo! the thought is what it counts. Keep safe always, AlphaCron!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ayieehh, Thanks Jiji! <3

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happiest birthday to your father and grandfather father, maybe he is not here with you but he is watching you from above.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed! Anyways, thanks for dropping by @Irene1. <3

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Happiest Birthday to Your Father Alpha🎉💕

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you @MoonTrader! <3

$ 0.00
2 years ago