What it means to be CLEAN

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2 years ago

What’s up readers! AlphaCron is back to give you another content to read, enjoy and reflect on!

Last night, I decided to finish watching the last episode of Clean with Passion for Now; a romcom South Korean television series that aired in 2018. The story was about Jang Seon Kyul (Yoon Kyun Sang), the CEO of the cleaning company called “Cleaning Fairy” suffers from germophobia (fear of bacteria and contamination) and this optimistic girl that goes by the name of Gil Oh Sol (Kim Yoo Jung) who is the absolute opposite of Seon Kyul, winds herself working for him one day. The story was good considering that it is a story of love and forgiveness.

Owing to this k-drama, I had been able to formulate content that I believe you all can relate to after all. Without further ado, let’s get to the main topic of this article.


From unsplash.com

Cleanliness is the state or condition of being pristine, as well as the practice of maintaining one’s self or surroundings hygienic. Cleaning is, without a doubt, a standard means of achieving cleanliness. I know you are all aware of this proverb, “Cleanliness is next to godliness.” I first came across this proverb when I was in primary school. This phrase is commonly found in comfort rooms or sinks. My teacher used to tell us that cleanliness is really important and that God will be very proud of us if we know how to maintain cleanliness. And so, at a very young age, I was able to know what it means to be clean. Being clean means, you are away from germs. Being clean means, you are making your body healthy. Being clean means, you get a reward from your teacher (I can't deny this one tho! HAHAHA)

Anyways, here are my Top 3 positive benefits of cleaning

Cleaning helps to maintain a healthy immune system.

From unsplash.com
  • Considering that we are still in a pandemic situation where our health is at risk of getting infected with the COVID-19 virus, having a strong immune system is a must for each one of us. With that said, we really should prioritize more in cleaning our surroundings to combat this traitor virus. In addition, the virus can be effectively removed from household surfaces with regular cleaning and disinfection treatments. Aside from that, we should also practice to frequently wash our hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. However, if soap and water are not accessible, you can just use alcohol (for hands).

From unsplash.com

Cleaning can improve your mood

From unsplash.com
  • According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), cleaning is a good way to alleviate stress, anxiety, and mood disorders by combining physical activity with the final result of a cleaner home. Whenever I clean the house, my mood brightens up. It provides me with a deep sense of tranquility. Hopefully in the future, If I ever have my own house, I hope to avoid having too many possessions that take up a lot of space. In my house, I intend to establish a minimalistic atmosphere.

A clean space helps increase your productivity

From unspash.com

This is so legit! Maintaining a clean space increases my focus, and I know that most of us if not all, prefer to complete our tasks in a comfortable environment. I mean, who would prefer the other way right? Personally speaking, when I notice things that aren't in order, it's easy for me to become distracted. As a result, I lose interest to do my tasks which leads me to become unproductive.

There are a lot of positive benefits however, these 3 are the most legit benefits that you can get from cleaning.

Closing Thought 💡

There is no denying that having a clean environment gives a positive atmosphere to people. Nevertheless, it is vital as well that you are clean from within. Allowing negativity to dwell in your head is detrimental. With that being said, remove all negative thoughts from your mind and replace them with positive ones.


I just want to thank my beloved sponsors, @Sequoia @Bloghound @Janz and @Maryjacy ! Thanks for noticing me! I appreciate you guys! I will strive to become a better writer in this platform. Lovelots! 💕



Thank you guys for reading! 😘❤

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2 years ago


I must agree to this.. Clean environment help to set a good mood.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yup! ❤❤❤ By the way, thanks for reading my article @Khing14!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have not watch the movie you're Talking about , I'm sure it will be interesting.

Yeah , I could remember when I was a kid too, I was told that cleanliness is nest to Godliness , God doesn't like a dirty place , he always love to dwell in a neat environment.

And you have made mention of the most valid importance of cleanliness, when we are clean , it for our good,it will help to fight against germ and that's rightful said.

I can't imagine how some people feel staying in a dirty environment, you'll never feel comfortable with yourself, but you'll always feel the comfort of a clean environment.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you sponsor! ❤❤❤ Byvthe way, Clean with passion for now is available on Netflix.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh, that's good, I will try to download it, though I'm not a fan of movie, but I see that this one is going to be interesting.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Cleaning is also one of my stress reliever, i love washing the dishes and do a general cleaning.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Same! ❤❤❤

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sabi nga nila, cleanliness is everybody's business.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I couldnt agree you more! ❤❤❤❤

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sama oll clean LOL, yeah cleanliness is the precious habit thou, when we were clean and the room was presentable is more our mind works in some course. It makes us more relax and focus. Have a great Sunday ahead cute boy hehe. Just the end photo thou.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I appreciate you commenting my article! Thank you. ❤❤❤

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also hate dirts. ☺️ So I always prefer cleanliness and who would not right?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks sponsor! ❤❤❤

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My pleasure ☺️

$ 0.00
2 years ago