The Weekend Away: Movie Realizations

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2 years ago
Date: March 7, 2022
Writer: AlphaCron

A rainy Monday my ever-amazing Read.Cash Family!!!

How's the start of the weekdays dear? Was it remarkable? Well, good for you if you do have an amazing day. Anyway, I would just like to apologize for skipping a blog yesterday because I just don't feel like writing. Besides, I don't have an interesting topic to share with all of you. After all it's Sunday yesterday, so I think it's alright to skip considering that it's rest day to begin with.

Okay so let's not dwell on the past and just move forward. If you asked me how's my day, well all I can say is that nothing special happened to me today. I just spent my day today watching films and performing a general cleaning. I was doing general cleaning because my Aunt together with his 2 sons were planning to go to our place tomorrow because they were aware of my brother's birthday.

Yes! You read it right, tomorrow is the special day of my brother. Although it's his special day, however he has a work. Back to what I'm saying, they are going to our place, but I'm hoping that they won't go. Lol. Whether they go or not, at least I was able to utilize my time cleaning which is one of the things that I do when I'm bored.

Haven't read my previous blog dear? Then here's the link below.

Saturday Blast!

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For today's blog content I'll be sharing with you all the lessons that I've learned after watching the film "The weekend away."

The film revolves around Beth, a woman who travels to Croatia for a weekend trip with her close friend Kate. Kate, a dear friend of hers, went missing after they met two men in a bar. That being said, she has to find a way to know what happened to her close friend.

If you wish to know what happened to Kate, then watch the film. You can watch this film on Netflix and other third party sites. Actually, this film was released just this month on Netflix. I thought I already watched this film considering that the main character is too familiar to me. Good thing we decided to watch this film today. As a result, I get to have an idea as to what would be my blog content for today. Lol.

Upon watching the film, I couldn't help but gain valuable learnings that I will going to be sharing with you all here.

The Weekend Away: What I've Learned

1. Don't be complacent when you are in a foreign place.

It is imperative of you to be more cautious when you are in a foreign place for the reason that you never know what kind of people you will encounter.

2. A true friend genuinely cares for you

The main character is such a genuine friend. She has this instinct that her friend is in peril. That being said, she really is trying her best to find her whereabouts. Being genuine should be the attribute we look for in a friend. For me, it's better to have a single friend who possesses a genuine heart rather than to have a lot of friends who has no concern for you.

3. Cops are not as good as we think they are

This is not to generalize all the cops in the world. What I'm just trying to say is that there are some cops who do have dark side personality. I don't know if you will agree on me, but there really are instances that they tend to use their authority to control us or for their personal gain.

4. Infidelity is not only a sin, but likewise a crime

If you are married, and you commit infidelity, you're committing not only a sin, but also a crime. Cheating will never be acceptable. It's the most sickening thing you could do to someone you supposedly love. You will never know the degree of pain your partner could feel when you cheated on him/her. That's the biggest betrayal you could do to your partner.

Closing Thoughts

And these are the things that I've learned after watching the film. If you want to share your valuable opinions regarding on this blog of mine, then you are free to comment on the comment section box of this blog, and it would be my pleasure to entertain your comments.

I think that's it! Thank you so much for reading this blog. Hope you had a great time reading. Hoping to see you on my next blog! Bye!

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2 years ago


That's true, not all cops are good as we think they are. Based on my experienced, i have known some who have been doing some improper things that a cop shouldn't do.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mapagsamantala sa power jud ate BCH.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Mao jud ba, gasalig kay naa'y katungdanan Mao nag ingon Ana na lang sila

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh another movie review and learnings. This is great. I will add it to my watchlist.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Woah, thanks dear!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Make time to watch that video. About the number 1 lesson you have learned from that movie, I agree with you. It is rare to find a genuine friend who will offer his life to others. I am excited to watch that video. Thanks for that.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes sir if you have a spare time please do watch the movie.

$ 0.00
2 years ago