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2 years ago
Date: April 28, 2022
Writer: AlphaCron

Warm greetings in this shivering evening my dear Read.Cash mates!!!

I am back again with another blog after! Honestly speaking I’m quite busy this week for I was preparing for my final demonstration teaching which I am expecting to carry out tomorrow (Friday). However, my resource teacher asked a favor to me if I could do it next week Monday. Actually, I was just waiting for her to tell me those words, provided that I feel like I am not confident to have my final demo tomorrow. It’s a relief not just to me, but also to my pre-service teacher partner/best friend.

Anyway, as for my blog entry today, allow me to write down my daily journal here. As you may know, every time I go to school to work, I am obliged to craft my daily journal, but I failed to do it because I was busy with my other school tasks. Hope that by this daily journal of mine, you will get to know me and how I usually do at school. And so without further ado, let’s start!

April 22, 2022

I went to school because this day was the first day of releasing the 4th quarter modules. Of course, not only me who went to school, but also my best friend. What we did on this day was during the morning, we sorted the modules to be given out to the students. In the afternoon, on the other hand, that’s the time when we were tasked to cater those parents or students who went to school to get the modules. Thus, we were instructed by our RT to retrieve the students’ answer sheets and modules in the previous quarter.

Clicked by me
Clicked by my bestie

April 25, 2022

This was the second day of the releasing of quarter 4 modules, but this time, the modules were released in the morning. In the afternoon, we asked permission to our resource teacher if we could go to the mall to purchase art materials for our instructional materials for our final demonstration teaching. Fortunately, she allowed us to leave the premise provided that there was no task to carry out at that time. So, from around 1 pm, we both headed straight to the mall. We only took just an hour to purchase everything that we need to have. So we arrived at the school around 2:15 pm. Since I have with us our lesson plans, we decided to hand over our lesson plans to our RT so that she could start editing out our lesson plan. After that, she managed to gave back our lesson plans indicated already the parts that need to be revised.

Learning how to make paper flowers

This is the day when I decided to stay at my best friend’s place so that we could start crafting our instructional materials.

April 27, 2022

Despite the short hours of sleep, my best friend and I chose to go to school to work. As soon as we entered the TLE Department, our RT was taken aback because she wasn’t expecting us to work. Good thing she didn’t give us any tasks to carry out because we were able to continue crafting our visual aids. Not only that but also we gave them our revised lesson plan. Thankfully, we didn’t need to revise again our lesson plan.

Clicked by me

April 28, 2022

Today, I woke up reading a good news coming from my RT, she said that, would it be okay for us to reschedule the day of our final demonstration because tomorrow will be the third releasing of modules, and she can’t afford to compromise our final demo. And so, without hesitation, I said yes. I was actually planning not to work today because I will make use of my time readying myself for tomorrow’s final judgement. Since, our final demo will be scheduled next week Monday, I decided to help her in sorting the modules to be released tomorrow. My buddy failed to work today because she needed to have enough sleep. Since she didn’t give me task to do in the afternoon, I ended up watching the final demo of my co-pre-service teachers. Lastly, before I bid goodbye to my RT, I made sure to print out my final lesson plan in the TLE Department.

Clicked by me

I think that concludes my blog today! Thanks for dropping by! Hope you had a great time today.

See you on my next blog! Bye for now.

In case you want to read my previous blog, you can access it through this link.

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Avatar for AlphaCron
2 years ago


Yung final demo talaga yung grabi ang kaba ko haha, pero na idaos naman hehe

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Sana mairaos ko rin. Laban lang in the pursuit of my dream. ❤

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes and pray first before you start hehe.. goodluck to you 💚

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lahi rjaud ka yor. Sanaol jud kaayo ni ay. I ma sure nga ready na kaayo ka for final demo nimo.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Sig kaisbog ang final demo Hagu kayo.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Goodluck sayo. Mukhang dami niyo ganap ah.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes @joy graduating na kasi. Sana nga talagang GA graduate 💗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I hope all goes well with the final demo next week. Good luck!

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thanks kuya Art💗

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Good memories never dies. Make good memories like this. Oneday only these things will remain as golden days

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I agree with you. We must cherish every moment of our lives.

$ 0.00
2 years ago