Odd Random Facts

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2 years ago
Date: December 2, 2021
Writer: AlphaCron 

Warm greetings ever-supportive, handsome, and gorgeous humans on Read.Cash!

First, I just want to say sorry for being inactive yesterday because I had to deal with my modules the whole day. Yes, the whole day. I went to my best friends house just to answer my modules there provided that she has a laptop that I could use. Like what I've said on my previous blog entry, I have to triple my efforts for the reason that the submission deadline will be on December 15, 2021.

By the way, If you haven't read my previous blog entry entitled, "Starting form scratch," then here's the link.


Anyways, for this blog entry, this will be a personal one considering that I am going to share with all of you my odd random facts. With that said, let's go directly to the main topic of this blog. Enjoy reading!

1. I rub my hands whenever I'm having a hard time sleeping.

From unsplash.com
  • Since I was young and up until I became a grown up man, I can't help myself but do this habit of rubbing my hands whenever I'm having trouble sleeping. I can't deny the fact that I'm accustomed to doing this. Whenever I do this, I feel the atmosphere of relaxation. Just by rubbing my hands in a gradual motion, all I want is to close my eyes as I feel the tickling sensation it offers. How about you? What habits do you do when you are having a hard time sleeping?

2. I get goosebumps when I hear the clang of cutleries.

  • Have you ever experienced being teased by your friends or siblings by the things you've always disliked? Well, I used to experienced it now and then. Since my brother already knew what makes me annoy, he would clang purposely the spoon and fork right in front of me. Good thing I know how to annoy him as well. Hahaha. How about you? What makes you get goosebumps?

3. I have a huge varicose on my foot.

Screenshot from AlphaCron
  • Aside from scars, having varicose has been my problem for years. It' unfortunate of me to have this intestine-like veins. Having that said, I feel insecure about it. So, every time I go outside, I always wear pants. I know it's not a big of a deal but having it on my foot makes me worry because it expands over time. I started having this one back when I was in Grade 9 if my memory serves me right. During those years, I did not mind this issue not until it became worse. How about you? What certain insecurity that you have on your body?

4. I don't like to touch oily and sticky substance.

From Unsplash.com

When I say oily and sticky substance, I meant lotion, creams, and liniment oils. I don't know if I'm the only person who, as much as possible doesn't want to touch things like that. Whenever I do, I immediately wash my hands with soap. How about you? What are the things that disgust you to touch?

Closing Thought ✨

These are some odd facts about myself. If you want to say something regarding on the topic of this blog, then please don't hesitate to put your comments on the comment box section. It will be my pleasure to give response to your comments.

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I'd like to thank you for reading my blog entry. You have given me nothing but motivation to strive on this platform. Indeed, your effort is very much appreciated. May you never give on this platform dear. Let's chase the stars together! I hope you're safe and sound always! 💖

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2 years ago


Dili ka owede mu touch sakong face mayor kay perti ka oily hahaha. Anyways, gahota sa naka sugod na oi huhu. Ako nalibug japun yor kay wala baya me nag observation nu? Katung naa sa UVE nga module imuha gipang answeran yor?

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I want to try rubbing hands whenever I dont feel sleepy. Awee really hehe why u dont like some lotion. Me, I was very obssessed about lotion it makes me feel love If I've applied it every night.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I have varicose too. I got this when I started playing volleyball since highschool. But gladly, its not that huge naman. Hmm..Nakakatulog ka ba talaga pag nag-ra-rub ka nang kamay dong? Hehe.. Horror naman nagiging rason why I've got goosebumps.. Hehe.. Tas pag ginugulat ako..

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Yes te basta di ko katarong ug tulog. Hahaah

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Maju c.e haha.. Ag ako bisan maglimbag-limbag nako ug di jud bation ug sobrang duka, di jud ko katug, samut na ug gikan ko magdamgo ug di maajo..Hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I also have varicose veins and scars in my legs and that's really kill's my confident as I can't wear shorts outside, I felt ashamed showing my legs with scar's.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Ako sad te nikalat na jud sakong tiil. Di jud ko ganahan. Masuya ko sa uban na mag shorts.

$ 0.00
2 years ago