Having the worst day

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2 years ago
Date: November 29, 2021
Writer: AlphaCron 

Hey dear readers on this platform!

As you happened to read my previous blog entry, I shared their that I'm in huge trouble because my laptop is not functioning. I'm worried and at the same time frustrated for the reason that I do have a lot of significant files in my laptop that I can't lose.

Having that said, today, I decided to go to my classmate's colleague because in he recommended me yesterday that his friend knows how to fix my problem.

I went to his friends place; did commute for 30 minutes. We did chat via Facebook Messenger. After giving my laptop to his friend, I went straight home. Of course, I had to commute again. That was around 10 in the morning. After heading back home, since my laptop is not functioning, I did make my lesson plan in a single sheet of bond paper. To be honest I'm having a hard time doing my lesson plan for the reason that my mind is distracted. I couldn't help but to think, what if my files will not be retrieved? What will I do? Despite the negative thoughts in my head, I still did make my lesson plan.

Crafting a lesson plan is not a no-brainer task as it involves your cognitive effort because you are thinking what the best strategy to implement in order to boost the students' participation in class. On the contrary, my brother wanted me to set aside what I'm doing provided that he wanted me to watch the new released series entitled, "Ang babae sa Septic Tank 3 (The woman in the septic tank 3)" together with him. So we watched at least 4 episodes of the series. I couldn't deny the fact that the series is way too hilarious to the point that I laughed to my heart's content. It's like at that time, I never minded my problem. I did forget to the feeling of euphoria. I never realized the consequence of my action. As you may know, I'm scared to be happy because whenever I do feel this feeling, there's always a negative consequence.

As I did open my phone, I was confronted with the message of my classmate's friend. She said that she couldn't fix the problem. She told me that the hard disk should be removed so that my files could be saved. Likewise, she told me that she couldn't dare to disassemble my laptop just to get the hard disk. The only way is to go to a repair, she said. And so, I had to go to her place. Of course, I had to commute again and vice versa.

I decided to go to the mall to go see a technician. As I roamed around the establishment, good thing I was able to find a technician. He's way too approachable and kind, so I haven't felt any awkward situations talking to him. Besides, it is a must for me to talk to him. So, what he did is to remove the hard disk. It took him almost 5 minutes to remove the hard disk. He told me once my hard disk will fail to be detected by the computer, that means that there's a problem with my hard disk and I have no choice but to accept the reality that my files will not be backed up.

Be that as it may, I was thankful because the hard disk is okay; it's functioning. Nonetheless, that sudden happiness was turned into frustration for the reason that the files that I badly want to be saved cannot be recovered. My files in Field Study was corrupted; it's empty. I couldn't help myself but feel sad about what happened. I don't know what to do. I still can't accept the fact that of all the files I have in my in laptop, why my FS modules? I've worked so hard just to answer those essay type of questions. I feel so down right now.

If only I could turn back the time, I would definitely save my works on Google Drive, but it's too late; I'm way too late and complacent. There's no one to be blamed but me. I'm such a lo*er. As I'm writing this blog entry I don't if I will stop writing here and just prioritize first my academics. One thing's for sure, I will start all over again. I don't know if I will be able to comply my requirements considering that December 15 will be the submission deadline.

I think I'll end my blog entry here. Without a doubt, I'm having the worst day right now.

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I'll make up with all of you soon. Anyways, bye for now.

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$ 0.90 from @TheRandomRewarder
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2 years ago


I think you should prioritize your academics, dear. If kaya naman magsulat from time to time dito while not as long as it does not interfere your studies. :)

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Yes, I would kaya dapat talagang triple effort ako ngayon. Anyways thanks for dropping by Jiji. ❤ much appreciated!

$ 0.00
2 years ago