It takes a heart to understand

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Avatar for AlphaCron
2 years ago
Date: February 16, 2022
Writer: AlphaCron

Hey dear readers of Read.Cash!!!

Was your day productive? Well in my case, I think I do considering that I was able to attend a whole-day event spearheaded by our university. It's exclusive for 4th year students who are taking the course of education. The title of the event is "Practice Teachers' Capability Building and Pre-Deployment Seminar Workshop. It's actually a 5-day event held via zoom platform. Basically, this event is preparing us for our deployment as we journey ourselves in the world of teaching. This basically means that we are now at a certain point of our journey as an education student where we have to immersed in the world of teaching.

Although the status quo of our educational setting is quite a struggle, however, this shouldn't be a hindrance. Learning should never stop. That's why online education has become a new normal way of education in today's generation.

On the contrary, before diving into the main subject of this blog, I'd like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt appreciation to my generous, and amazing sponsors of this platform. Your support means so much to me. Having that said, to all my readers, please do subscribe to their accounts and might read as well their informative and inspiring write-ups. For sure, you will benefit something from their contents.

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For this blog, allow me to share with you what I have learned from the event that I attended today. And so without any further delay, let's go directly to the main subject of this blog!

Today, I am privileged enough to hear 5 amazing topics coming from the distinct keynote speakers but out of those 5 topics that have discussed, the specific topic that struck me the most is the topic pertaining to Special Education (SPED). I couldn't deny the fact that I was interested of the topic. Perhaps, the reason is that it was the first plenary session in the morning. Besides, I really liked how the speaker conveys the topic in a way that it encourages you to listen. The speaker speaks with conviction.

What s Special Education?

Screenshot by AlphaCroN


Upon hearing this topic today, I have learned so much in the perspective of our brothers and sisters with disabilities. Knowing their situation in the society, it's undeniable that the atmosphere of discrimination and marginalization is evident in them. People will tend to acknowledge first their imperfections and not as an individual.

With that being said, it is important that we must understand their situation. They never wished to be somebody who has a disability. We must have empathy by showing respect to them. Gaining respect means a lot to them for they are also humans who have emotions as well. Of course, what opportunities and rights we have, it must be equal to them as well.

All they need is to feel that they also belong in the society, that they are not an outcast. They don't deserve to be treated badly. It is crucial that equity should prevail in each one of us regardless of race, disabilities, etc. We as normal people, we must encourage them to overcome their trials in life, that no matter how strong the storm is, there's always a shelter that they can dwell in and that is "us." We can do something for them even in our own little ways. When we speak to a person with disability, we have to show positivity to him/her by smiling. We should focus on their capabilities not on their inabilities.

"It takes a heart to understand"

And so, that concludes my blog for today. Hopefully I was able to deliver my thoughts well. Likewise, hoping that you were able to gain something out from this blog of mine.

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2 years ago


Naalala ko noon nag pre service kami wala pang Covid nun. Nako ang hirap kasi buong araw kang nakaasign sa classroom at saka yung co teacher ay busy din kasi may event na kailangan paghandaan. Hehe anyways sulit naman lahat nang paghihirap kasi natapos na namin at saka mabait ang teacher kung saan ako na assign.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Buti nalang din yung cooperating teacher namin sa 1st sem is magiging ct din na min ngayong sem. Anf bait din ng ct ko.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehe, nga mas maganda kung magkadundo kayu ng cooperating teacher mo. Tapos nanglilibre ng snacks hehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Seldom lang ka mi nagkikita ftf if may ipapsort sya na modules.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

People are easy to judge. Nakakainis yung taong insensitive just because wala sila sa kalagayan ng isang tao. God bless po. Thank you for writing this up.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Thank you for taking tge time to read this blog Jiji!<3

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes naman, mas magiging confidence sila kahit na may disability sila if we give their understanding. Yong bang walang panunuya, make them feel na they are awesome on their own way 🥰

$ 0.00
2 years ago

People doesn't used their hearts in that matter for sure they sill just ignore them and somehow neglect them and that's the sad part because they were just humans too that needs to be treated well.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Lagi maam oys naa juy uban harsh kayo manulti w/out minding if their words can hurt them. :(

$ 0.00
2 years ago

that's what we called insensitive people

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It’s not easy to go through that phase, it’s hard and I feel their pain all the time… we can show them love and support and really it goes a long way.. They are humans and should be treated as such this is a wonderful read

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks brother! I appreciate you commenting my blog. Aside from love, what we need in this world is respect to one another. <3

$ 0.00
2 years ago