House of Wax

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2 years ago
Date: November 10, 2021
Writer: AlphaCron 

What's up dear readers on!

I was able to sleep early again last night. As a result, I woke up today at around 5:30. I'm now on my second day of trying to change my sleeping habits for the betterment of my well-being. I just hope that I will not fail myself again. Likewise, I'm not getting any younger and so, I have to take good care of myself even more and be disciplined.

On the contrary, are you fond of watching horror films? I think most of you here on this platform like to watch horror films. Well, If I were to be asked, I would say that I'm in between. To be honest, I can't afford to watch horror films on my own because I'm such a yellow-belly person. I easily get scared. I could only watch this genre when I have someone beside me. Anyways, will you watch movies with me? Particularly movies that are horrifying? If yes, then you will know how I look like when I watch scary movies. HAHAHA.

For this blog entry, I want to share with you the lessons that I've learned from the film that my brother and I already watched. And so, without further ado, here's what you will need to know!

My brother and I came across with this 2005 coming of the age horror, thriller, and slasher film entitled, "House of Wax" on Netflix. This film was directed by Jaume Collet-Serra. Additionally, this film is actually inspired on Charles Belden's unpublished short story entitled, "The Wax Works" in the year 1932. The reason why we happened to watch this film is because we were so intrigued that time as to what this film is all about. Judging from the title of the film, it's undeniable that you will likewise want to get to know the film.

So, the story is all about a group of colleagues who are supposed to head straight to a college football game but failed to manage to go directly to the location of the match for the reason that it's already evening, and they are all exhausted at the same time. Due to that circumstance, they decided to camp in a sequestered area just for one night without knowing that they just lead themselves towards danger.

Since, I'm not a spoiler type of person, so if you have some spare time, might consider watching this film for lot of bloodcurdling events happen on this film.

Anyways, these are some of the things I've learned from the movie.

Be Cautious

When you are in a foreign place, always remind yourself to be cautious; to be vigilant of your surroundings. Always think in advance. Always think of the "what ifs." The characters in the film never consider the possible danger they could get out from staying in the woods. They don't consider as well the fact that they get to have a conflict with the unknown driver who happens to drop by in the location where they set their camp. Instead of taking some turns of sleep, what they do is be complacent.

You can count on your sibling/s

In times of difficulty, one of the persons you can count on is your sibling. Good thing, Nick and Carly are siblings in the film. Despite being not in good terms, their love for each other as siblings prevails. Nick really shows unconditional love for her sister Carly by going to such lengths just to protect her sister. I can relate to Nick since I do have as well a sister (youngest). I do love my sibling so much, and I will do everything to protect her no matter what the cost.

Don't be deceived; have some trust issues!

In the film, Carly and her boyfriend is deceived by a man who thought they could help them of their problem. Little did they know that they are the next target to be killed and eventually become their horrid collections. Intriguing right? Well, watch this film and you will know what I mean. Even your most trusted friend can dare to betray you, what more to a merely stranger? Indeed, allowing yourself to trust a stranger instantaneously is kind of peculiar and unconcerned. Have some trust issues!

Closing Thoughts 💡

These are just some of the things that I've gained from watching the film. If you want to share your insights, you can just feel free to comment it on the comment box section!

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Thanks for dropping by dear! Hope you're all safe, happy, and healthy always! 😊💕

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Lead Image: My own screenshot 📸

$ 2.17
$ 2.03 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Maryjacy
$ 0.05 from @Jinifer
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2 years ago


I've watched this befoooreee! I don't know how old I was at that time, I already forgot since that was a long time ago haha. But I still remember some scenes. Thank you for sharing this, now I finally remember the title of the movie that I've been trying to remember hahah. I badly wanna re watch this one. Omoo thank u so much LOL

$ 0.01
2 years ago

It's my pleasure @Jinifer! 💕

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Just the thought of watching horror films gives me shivers.huhu. i just cant.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I couldn't agree you more @Betha. Thanks for dropping by! ❤

$ 0.00
2 years ago