Holy week: Updates

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2 years ago
Date:April 16, 2022
Writer: AlphaCron

Warm greetings, my beloved readers of Read.Cash!!!

How are you all here? It's been 2 days again since the last time I wrote something here. Yesterday, I was supposed to publish a blog, but sad to say I failed provided that I was torn between crafting a blog on a Good Friday or not. And so, I ended up postponing it.

Anyway, in case you missed reading my previous blog, here's the link. I hope you might consider reading it.


For today's blog, I'm going to do a free writing exercise. And so, let's get started!

Yesterday, my brother decided that we should travel back to our hometown. I was taken aback considering that it was a Good Friday yesterday. For no reason, I suddenly felt terrified. Perhaps because I am not used to traveling during a holy week. Actually, I didn't plan on going home, but because I have to accomplish a particular task which requires one of my parents to participate, I have no choice but to go home.

I didn't plan on going home not because I don't want to, but because I want to go home without thinking of my academic tasks. You know, every second counts for me right now.

Anyway, my brother and I tried our luck yesterday. We both agreed that if there's no bus yesterday, then we will postpone the travel. Luckily, we were able to ride a bus and able to go home safely. By the way, we were able to arrive at home at around 7 pm. Apparently, we managed to eat dinner together, and I couldn't deny that I felt a sense of euphoria.

Although I felt dizzy and exhausted yesterday, I decided not to sleep early because my youngest sister needs my help with regard to their thesis.


Since I slept late, I woke up late at 8:30 in the morning. Took myself a bath first before I took my breakfast.

As what I have said, I have a specific task that requires one of my parents to get involved, and that is taking a 15-minute pinning video and also a pictorial of me wearing my practicum uniform.

I was expecting that my mama would be the one to pin me, however, but she had a last-minute errand to run. Of course, I'm a little sad of her sudden errand.

Good thing my papa was available at that time so, I got the chance to accomplish the task together with my papa. Of course, we couldn't help but have some bloopers while filming the pinning video. Hahaha. By the way, my youngest sister was the one who filmed and photographed us.

As for the pictorial part, my sister took almost 30 photographs, but I will only submit 1 photo. Here's the photo that I will submit.

This is an enhanced photo of mine <3

Do I look good folks? Hahaha.

Closing Thoughts

We only did the filming and the pictorial for a span of 30 minutes because my sister had to continue doing her thesis. I must say that the picture is good in terms of the quality. It feels like I'm in a studio.

That concludes my blog peeps! Thanks for sparing your time just to read this blog that I have prepared for today!

Hope to see you on my next blog!

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Lead Image: AlphaCron

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2 years ago


Ngiting tagumpay, sir hehe. Good thing you were able to accomplish your task.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Claiming for victory Sir Art. <3

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oks na oks yang napili mong picture bata 🤗 mukha kang tao 🥳

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Mukhammad bakong alien Ate Ruffs? Hahaha charot lang te.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Majority says that it's scary to travel when it comes to holy week, but I saw some travelers still travelling..

Pogi nyo po.. hehe

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Ayieeh thanks for the compliment ❤

$ 0.00
2 years ago

always welcome 💚💚

$ 0.00
2 years ago