Food Treat with my BF

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2 years ago
Date: March 28, 2022
Writer: AlphaCron

Warm greetings my dear readers of this platform!!!

I am back again with another personal blog! By the way, how's your Monday? Were you as busy as a bee today or just making the most out of your time unwinding yourself? Anyway, I am assuming that you had a great time accomplishing all your tasks. Although it's exhausting but achieving what you want to achieve is much more fulfilling and prevailing than the exhaustion you feel.

To keep you reminded, here's a statement of Banksy, "when you get tired, learn to rest, not quit." Certainly, quitting should never be an option.

Haven't got the chance to read my previous blog? Then please consider reading it. And so, here's the link.

Weekdays' Ganaps

Flexing my fantastic sponsors. Thanks much peeps for supporting me although I'm being so inactive for this month here. I promise to make up to you all once I have my free time. I miss you guys!

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To my old and new readers, please keep in touched with these people by subscribing to their accounts. You might as well take your spare time reading their worth-reading blog entries!

You could already tell by the title of my blog entry that my content will be all about my BF (best friend). I know what's on your mind guys. Hahaha. I will be talking about my bestie Lovi Poe.

My bestie Lovi :D

The reason why I called her such a name provided that she’s a fan of this particular actress in the Philippines, and besides, people would tend to say that she has a resemblance of Lovi Poe. What do you think folks? Hahaha. I must say that if you see her in person you really can associate her to the mentioned actress. Why am I defending? Lol.

Just this afternoon, I treated her an early dinner at the mall for the reason that I failed to treat her in her special day last Saturday, March 26 to be specific. Actually, she had a simple birthday celebration and besides, she was busy for the anniversary of their church which happened yesterday. As much as I wanted to treat her on her special day, however circumstance doesn't permit us. Having said that, I just said to her that I will treat her on Monday which is today.

On one hand, I decided to treat her after our duty in the school (internship stuff). Speaking of our duty as pre-service teachers/interns, what we did today is to sort some modules today and we both helped each other in transporting 5 sacks of module in the main campus because according to our resource teacher, they (pertaining to other teachers) will go back to the main campus next week. Actually, the main campus was used to be a COVID facility, but at long last, they fully sanitized the main campus, so they can now vacate the school's annex building. Anyway, as soon as we bid goodbye to our resource teacher, we went straight to the mall. That was past 4:20 already in the afternoon.

At the mall

We were so confused as to where are we going to eat. And so after minutes of roaming around the mall, we ended up going to Port Food Café, and there, we ate these mouth-watering foods.

clicked by me

Fast Forward

After we ate our dinner, we headed to the "Peak." It's located at the topmost part of the mall where you can witness the majestic view of the city. It was around 5 pm already when we came there. And so, what we did in the Peak was to take photographs mostly of myself. My bestie doesn't want to take photos of her because she looks haggard according to her. Lol.

By the way, here are some of our photographs.

Clicked by Bestie
clicked by me

I think I'll end my blog here. Thanks much everyone for dropping by! I hope I made you entertain through this blog of mine.

Hope to see you on my next blog! Bye for now.

Lead Image: AlphaCron

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$ 3.60 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.07 from @Ruffa
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2 years ago


Eheee kakatuwa naman talaga closeness nyong dalawa both pretty and handsome BFF 🥰. Happy Birthday to your pretty bf 🥳🎉🎂

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thanks ate Ruff! <3

$ 0.00
2 years ago

My monday is back to being a quiet and a boring one, but I had a great time yesterday and it was my friend who treated me out yesterday 😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

How sweet! Being generous and thoughtful like you deserve for the best.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are so sweet of treating her. You deserve one another as a friend indeed.

$ 0.00
2 years ago