Becoming a role-model

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2 years ago
Date:November 24, 2021
Writer: AlphaCron

Hey dear readers on Read.Cash!

How’s your Wednesday folks? Anyways, I’m hoping that you guys were able to carry out successfully your task today. I believe that it is a must for us to always be productive. Thus, it is vital that we should not waste our time doing nonsensical things. On one hand, as much as possible, we should write out are plan activities for the day so that we may utilize our time efficiently.

On the contrary, as I was answering my modules, I was confronted with this question, “How are you going to motivate your learners in class?” I began to ask myself; how should I respond to this question considering that I am going to become an educator in the future? To tell you honestly, I find this question a bit difficult to answer, however I’ll give it a try.

Apparently, this blog entry is going to be an educational one. And so, without further ado, let's go directly to the main subject of this blog.

By the way, if you haven’t read my previous blog entry entitled, “Expose yourself: Challenge accepted,” then here’s the link.


Describe how you are going to motivate learners in your class.

As an educator, it is my responsibility to motivate my students to learn. Having that said, I have to make ways on how to fulfill it. I believe there are a lot of ways to motivate them and these are some of the following: 1) integrating technology in the class, 2) having a proper classroom management, and 3) being inspirational to them.

  • Integrating technology in the class


We cannot deny the fact that we are currently living in an era where technology is being integrated in all aspects of life. In fact, technology has been considered a necessity considering that it serves as a medium that enables people to live comfortably. Indeed, we are all living in a whole new digital world.

Putting the scope in the educational aspect, there’s no denying that technology has likewise been integrated in the curriculum. With that said, teachers are continuously coping up with the advancement; learning how to be digitally literate just to deliver the instruction in a more revolutionized yet effective way.

Technology integration can motivate students in a way that it makes them more excited to learn. Thus, they will become more engaged in the teaching-learning processes. Lastly, they become more focused and creative at the same time. Therefore, as teachers, we should try to be more updated. We should detach from the traditional way of delivering instruction.

  • Having Proper Classroom Management


Classroom Management plays an integral part in the learning environment. And so, having a proper classroom management allow teachers to have a hold of their class; how to organize and implement things in class including how to properly handle students’ behavior towards learning. Certainly, having a proper classroom management can greatly affect students’ academic success. When we say academic success, motivation is undeniably involved. As teachers, we should indeed aim to have a good classroom management.

  • Being Inspirational to students


Teachers are considered role models of the society. With that said, it is crucial that you have to be a good example to your students. You show to them that you are a well-respected person. As a teacher, you have to show to your students that you are worthy to be emulated and that you are somebody who can become an inspiration to them. Indeed, it is imperative that you radiate positivity towards learning so that your students will be motivated to learn and do well in class. Teachers should always aspire to become the best teachers they could ever be.

Closing Thought 💡

There is no doubt that I am one step closer to my dream of becoming an educator. Considering the status quo of the educational system in the Philippines, I don’t know If I’m competent enough to become one. Besides, my confidence is level is low. In spite of that, I will strive to be the best role-model to my future students. And so, I have to be at my best version. My future students needs a teacher that will inspire them to learn genuinely.

Note: Please feel free to leave a comment if you want to share valuable insights regarding on this blog entry of mine. 😉

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To my generous sponsors, may the good Lord continue to bless you. 💞

Hey dear! Thanks for dropping by. I hope you gain something from this blog of mine. I hope your safe and sound. Lots of love from Alpha! 💖

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2 years ago


I like everything you said in this article. Even on my university students are happier and more willing to participate in certain activies (like quizzes) when technology is involved. 😊 You just can´t deny the fact that technologies play a big role in their everyday life and they like to use it. As teachers we can´t really be behind the developement in today´s sociaty, we need to be up to date - with technology and also the themes we teach about. That´s another thing that you didn´t mentioned i- it´s very nice and usefull to adjust the themes to fit the student´s interest (this involves asking them what themes would they be interested into and would like to learn about more) - this way the class will be more interesting to them. In certain subjects, this can´t be done (for example in math, I think) but in art and other creative classes, you have more freedom about what to teach and on what to focus on. 😊

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I'll keep that in mind @adoniis! Thanks for dropping by! 💕

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Future educator jud kaayu kag dating yor ayyy. Ako ani mag kita rajud ta ani sa minute burger yor haha.

$ 0.10
2 years ago

Huy hahaha, hawd kaya ka mag tudlo Mentor 😊😁

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Teachers are really a role model to all students, and I know you can also become a good role model to your class soon.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Ayieeh salamat Te Garreth puhon te 💖

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Teachers are role models to every student, whether the teacher is a bad one or a good one, people will still choose them as role models and that's why we see some students who later become a teacher to be very wicked because of the teacher they choose as their role model.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

This is way true bro. Students really emulate their teachers. With that said, as much as possible, teachers should exhibit a positive conduct to their students.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes very educational post coming from our future educator. I am rooting for you friend. Yes technology is everywhere and as of now technology helps a lot, yes when i was in grade 10 we have our boring and terror teacher, thats why she got a lot of busher from our class, she never motivates us, all she does is give paperworks and remind us with the deadline, so i guess being an inspirational and motivate is an excellent way for you tp have a good work soon if you will be one of those educators.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

True! There are terror teachers but maybe that teacher has gone through a lot in her life.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Dear friend, being a teacher comes to you a lot, and it is a very good job, good for your reasonable choice. Excellent, the integration of technology can make classes more exciting, as well as the relationship of friends with students, but at the same time being serious can be very effective.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

Uggghh thank you so much dear! Certainly, it is important that you have control or sole authority to your students in order to manage their behavior.

$ 0.00
2 years ago