August For Keeps

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1 year ago
Date: August 16, 2022
Writer: AlphaCron

Hey ReadCashers! What's up?

The last time I published a blog here was 14 days ago, and that means I just surpassed almost 2 weeks of being inactive on this platform. It's a shame how I let my performance drop as the months pass by.

Honestly speaking, before, when I was just starting my writing journey on Read.Cash, my determination to get out of my comfort zone was so strong to the extent that I was able to consistently write blogs in spite of the absence of Rusty. I did nothing but prove to myself that what I'm doing would be beneficial for me in the long run and that this is just a way for me to discipline myself when it comes to managing my time. I must admit, it did benefit me. I became more confident in writing whatever topics I have in mind. Back then, I couldn't help but hate writing but as I kept indulging myself into it, I eventually find it interesting.

However, things have changed especially now that I am working already. In fact, even before when I don't yet have a job, I seldom publish blogs due to my scholastic endeavors. I must say that I wasn't the same person back then who is so productive in terms of writing topics that are under the sun. I miss my old self, but I'm loving as well my present me. Likewise, I am discovering new things I never thought I would unearth.

Anyway, this is not the main point of my blog. I'm just sharing one of the changes that's happening in my life this year. Of course, I'm quite melancholic, but whether I like it or not, that's the reality I must accept.

In case you missed out my previous blog, here's the link. Hope you still might consider reading it.

For today's blog, I'll be sharing some of my recent photos this month that are worth flexing. And so, let's get started!

This photo was taken last Friday, July 13, 2022. As you can see, it's a payslip, and it's not just an ordinary payslip as it is my first time receiving something like this. My pay first ever payslip indicates my 15-day salary. Although my salary wasn't that high, be that as it may, it's enough for me to pay our room and other bills like electric and water bills. I promised to my brother that I will be responsible for those bills as of now because I have a work now. It's the least thing I could do to lessen my brother's expenses for the family.

Me and mom

It's been for ages since the last time my mom and I got to have our quality time together. Fortunately, time permits us to be together last Sunday. We were able to attend the mass together and afterwards we ate street foods. I feel special when I'm with my mom, and I'm so grateful for this moment as this would add as a new memory with her.

At long last! My best friend @Kyoshe26 and I are now workmates. That said we'll definitely be seeing each other at work. Actually, we worked in the same company, but we differ with the brand we're assigned to work for. So from being a sales consultant, she was able to get that position of dealership customer relations center (dcrc) and was able to start her first day in our car brand. I am glad knowing that I have someone who I can talk to in the work.

And there you have it folks! Thanks for taking the time reading this blog. Hope you had a blast today!

Please keep an eye out for my next blog!

Lead Image: AlphaCron

$ 1.39
$ 1.29 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Ruffa
$ 0.05 from @ARTicLEE
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Avatar for AlphaCron
1 year ago


Ayos na rin at may work. Un na muna ang importante.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

True Sir Art. ✨

$ 0.00
1 year ago

A nice bonding with you mom! I love that big kwek kwen plus cucumber. Yummy! 😋

$ 0.01
1 year ago

What a memorable Sunday talaga for me Jiji. 😊

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Absent ka man sa blogging world present ka naman sa real world mo. Kaya AJA! Ayos lang naman mag sulpot sulpot ka here. Lalo na new ka palang jan sa work mo u need more focus in there. And sana lahat kasama ang bff Uwu. Maganda talaga mag work kapag may isa kang kakila sa company nyo no. At bff mo pa.

Anyways ganda ng date nyo ng mamabels mo ┌|o^▽^o|┘♪

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you for this ate Ruff! Miss ko laying lahat dito. 💕

$ 0.00
1 year ago