Five signs you're in a toxic relationship

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1 year ago
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Hey everyone, and welcome. Today, we are going to learn about 5 signs you’re in a toxic relationship Now, let’s begin.

1. Failing responsibility

Toxic people rarely understand their own toxicity. They fail to take responsibility for their mistakes, and they often pass the blame to their innocent partners. When a toxic person shrugs responsibility, it’s a sign of defensive behaviour. They do not want to acknowledge their flaws, so they act like a victim in their relationships. They pretend you are the source of their problems. That way, they can justify their own toxic patterns. 

If you let a toxic person blame you for their problems, their toxicity will destroy your self-esteem. No matter how many times someone says it, their toxicity is not your fault. Unless your partner is willing to take responsibility for their mistakes and make real changes in their life, you are in a toxic relationship, and it may be time to let go. 


2. Absence of support in a healthy relationship, partners

Want to see each other succeed? They encourage each other to pursue their dreams and goals. They support each other when trying new things, and they pick each other when they make mistakes. In other words, if you and your partner have a strong, loving bond, you want your partner to grow, improve, and succeed. But, in toxic relationships, partners rarely support each other the way they should. They don’t pay attention to each other’s goals, nor do they encourage each other to try new things.

In toxic relationships, one partner may even sabotage the other partner’s success. If you want to know whether your relationship is toxic, think about the last time your partner genuinely supported your personal growth. Did they encourage you to step out of your comfort zone? Did they celebrate a raise or promotion you received at work? If your partner gives you the support you’re looking for, your relationship may be healthy and genuine. But if your partner doesn’t support your goals or ambitions, your relationship may be more toxic than you realize. 


3. Subtle isolation

Does your partner isolate you from your friends or family? Do they force you to create distance from the people you care about?

Many toxic partners will try to control and dominate your life. They want 100% of your time and attention, so they use manipulative tactics to cause rifts in your relationships. For example, a toxic partner may dislike the close relationship you have with your best friend.

When your partner sees the two of you together, they may become jealous, because they want to possess every bit of your attention. They want to control you, so they may subtly destroy you and your friend’s relationship. Toxic partners will make up lies and twist people’s words. They’ll force you to choose sides.  They’ll encourage you to argue and spend time apart. A toxic partner wants you and your friend to stop seeing each other. That way, you spend all your time trapped under your partner’s thumb. This toxic pattern affects a surprising number of relationships.

From the outside, it’s easy to spot, but when you’re trapped in this toxic dynamic, it can be difficult to recognize obvious red flags. You may think your partner is trustworthy. You may start to doubt your friends and family. You may feel like you have to pick favourites or choose sides. But a loving partner never damages your other relationships. They want you to have strong connections with your friends and family, because they want you to be happy.

Instead of telling lies or spilling secrets, a loving partner works hard to connect with the people you care about. If someone is important to you, that someone will also be important to them. So, don’t let a toxic partner disrupt your closest connections. It may feel like your partner is helping or saving you from a bad situation, but the truth is your toxic partner wants you all to themselves. 

4. Attacking personality

In healthy relationships, partners give each other constructive criticism.  You should help your partner identify and improve upon their weaknesses, because you want them to grow into a happier, more successful individual. But in a toxic relationship, criticism is rarely ever constructive. In fact, many toxic people regularly attack their partner’s personalities. 

For one reason or another, toxic partners want to lower your confidence and self-esteem. They want to insult and belittle you. They want to make you feel weak and small, often because they are struggling with issues of their own.

But how do you know if your partner is being helpful or toxic? Criticism from a loving partner is never cruel or accusatory. They don’t call you names, exaggerate your flaws, or hurt your feelings. Toxic criticisms, on other hand, quickly resort to name-calling and exaggeration. A toxic partner wants to hurt your feelings, even if what they’re saying isn’t fair or true. 

5. Stonewalling

Not every toxic Trait is loud or insulting. Just because someone isn’t yelling at you doesn’t mean their behaviour is healthy or loving. For example, have you ever had a partner give you the silent treatment? Or maybe your partner repeatedly ignored your problems or neglected your needs?

In both cases, your partner is using a manipulative strategy called stonewalling. Instead of listening to your needs or engaging with you on an emotional level, they withdraw their attention and emotions from the relationship. In some cases, a stonewalling partner will stop talking to you for days or weeks on end.

When this happens, you may feel like you’ve done something wrong.  You may feel like it’s your responsibility to break down their walls and earn their attention.  But that’s exactly what your toxic partner wants. Stonewalling is one way that partners subtly control and manipulate your behaviour. One moment, they give you their full attention. The next, they withdraw into themselves, leaving you wondering what you did wrong. But stonewalling isn’t something healthy and loving partners do.


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Avatar for Alexy5050
1 year ago


I agree with everything that you have mentioned above. It's good to know these signs for us to identify if we are really in a toxic relationship or not. Let's be careful in choosing the person we want to spend the rest of our lives with.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I agree with all that you have mentioned. A loving partner won't do anything that might hurt your feelings and Specially your emotions. A loving partner won't distance you from the people you care as he would also treat them as his own family and friends as he/she knows that they are part of you.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Number two, four and five is one that I've been through before, I've learnt my lesson and would definitely watch out for such red flags in my next, especially as regards stonewelling and absence of support...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That stonewalling is dangerous and can destroy someone. This is the most dangerous toxicity I think. Can I say stonewalling is also like Gaslighting? Because what you have just described as stonewalling looks similar to someone gaslighting his or her partner.

Above all, toxic relationship is never a good idea to involve in because it ruins your self esteem.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Korek , what you mentioned above might opened the mind of some readers to change their perpective of their relationship. This might help also to build a strong relationship

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You've got every point. Avoiding toxic relationship is really good for one's health.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

If you're not the best friend to your partner, I think it's also a wrong relationship

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You are right sir your wife is supposed to be your best friend.

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1 year ago